Day of Service 2024

Today our entire school participated in the 15th annual Because Brecknock Cares Day of Service. This day is in memory of Mrs. Lisa Horning who started that motto for us and believed in the importance of doing service for others.

This year we collected cereal boxes through to donate to Cross Net.  Every student also made a picture or letter to be given to a veteran during the “mail call” portion of their trip to Washington DC to see the war memorials with

Check out those websites if you want to learn more abou these organizations.

Soil and Rocks Exploration

Our current inquiry unit is Earth and Space Science.  We are learning about soil, rocks and minerals.  We did a soil exploration recently where learners could investigate a bag of soil they brought from home to discover how it looks up close with a magnifying glass, how it feels, how it smells, and predict if it would be good for growing plants. We finished with a soil walk where learners could check out the bags of soil brought in by others to compare.

Yesterday we wrapped up our study of rocks and minerals by exploring some rocks up close.  Each learner brought rocks from home or found some on the playground. We also had some rock and mineral collections to look at from the Brecknock Science Closet.  Learners sketched their rocks, described the color, evaluated the luster and texture, and tested the hardness by scraping them with a nail.