Red Ribbon Week Spirit

Today we celebrated Red Ribbon Week by dressing to complete the statement, “I’d rather be a _____ than do drugs.”  During Health we have learned how drugs and alcohol and hurt our bodies and make it hard for us to accomplish our goals.  It was fun to see so many students participate!

We'd rather be athletes than do drugs.
We’d rather be athletes than do drugs.



We'd rather be teachers than do drugs.
We’d rather be teachers than do drugs.
We'd rather be veterinarians than do drugs.
We’d rather be veterinarians than do drugs.
We'd rather cook and go hunting than do drugs.
We’d rather cook and go hunting than do drugs.
We'd rather protect the people than do drugs.
We’d rather protect the people than do drugs.
We'd rather care for animals than do drugs.
We’d rather care for animals than do drugs.

Red Ribbon Week Spirit Days

We hope your second grader chooses to participate in the Brecknock Red Ribbon Week Spirit Days from 10/26 through 10/30.

Monday, 10/26- “Sock it to Drugs”- wear crazy socks

Tuesday, 10/27- Are you REaDy to be healthy?- wear red

Wednesday, 10/28- Theme day- dress up to fit this phrase. “I would rather be a _____________ than do drugs.”  Possible ideas: doctor, musician, athlete, teacher

Thursday, 10/29- Get in the spirit of being healthy and drug free.  Wear school colors (blue and gray).

Friday, 10/30- SNEAKer away from drugs.  Wear sneakers. All Brecknock staff and students will walk around the Brecknock campus before the start of school.

Bright Kids Energy Kits



Today all second graders attended a Bright Kids Assembly. We learned about energy, natural resources that are renewable and those that are nonrenewable.  We participated in a cool experiment where we held hands to make a closed circuit with our bodies and were able to pass an electric current around the circle to set off a buzzer with lights.  We also got great tips about how to save energy at home: use LED light bulbs, turn off the TV when not in use, and turn off video game systems.

Each second grader that returned a permission slip took home a Bright Kids Energy Kit today.  The kit is yours to keep for free.  PPL asks families who accepted the kits to install the energy saving items in your home and then complete the family worksheet.  These family worksheets are due Tuesday 10/20. We will receive a mini-grant from PPL to use for classroom supplies and activities if all the worksheets are returned.

Civics Test

The Civics test is planned for Friday, 10/9.  Please review the study guide information with your child a little each night.  There is a link below to print out a new one if you misplaced yours. I can also give your child a copy at school if he/she requests one. This week we will be playing “Symbol Bingo” each day to review.  Your second grader will also be bringing home some review sheets that are great to study with.

Civics study guide