February S.T.A.R. Party

On Friday we celebrated excellent student behavior with our monthly Star party. Each day our Students are Taking Academic Responsibility by making good choices at school. They start the day with 4 stars and try to keep them all day or even earn an extra star for excellent behavior. Teachers kept track of student scores all month and averaged them to see who was invited to celebrate good behavior at our S.T.A.R. Party. Any student that averaged 3 stars or higher was invited to our “Hot Chocolate Hang Out” to enjoy a cup of hot chocolate while hanging out with friends. Students who averaged 4 stars or higher were “Rock Stars” and were able to visit the Hot Chocolate buffet in the hallway to add flavored marshmallows, whipped cream and sprinkles to their hot chocolate to make it “fancy”.  They also enjoyed sugar cookies. This month all students in our class were Stars or Rock Stars!  Yipee! Now we’ll begin working on making good behavior choices for March.

Hot chocolate for all STAR students.
Hot chocolate for all STAR students.
The Topping Buffet for Rock STARs
The Topping Buffet for Rock STARs
We had french vanilla, gingerbread and jumbo red velvet cupcake marshmallows.
We had french vanilla, gingerbread and jumbo red velvet cupcake marshmallows.
Top if off with whipped cream and sprinkles!
Top if off with whipped cream and sprinkles!

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PTO Spaghetti Dinner

The PTO’s annual Spaghetti Dinner is scheduled for Friday, March 18th  from 4:30-7:30 at the Brecknock Cafeteria.  Dinner includes drink, salad, bread, spaghetti and meatballs.  Coffee and a selection of desserts will be available for a 50 cent donation per item. Tickets can be purchased at the door, but all tickets ordered before Friday, March 11th will receive a 50 cent discount per ticket! Fill out the order form that was sent home to order your tickets.

Adult tickets= $7.50 (discounted price $7.00)

Children’s tickets age 4 through grade 6= $5.00

There are a few ways your family can get involved in this fun evening besides eating a delicious dinner and supporting our school.

1. Donations– To keep costs down and maximize profits, families are asked to donate supplies for the Spaghetti Dinner. Second graders are asked to donate spaghetti noodles.  Please send your donations in before March 18th.

2. Basket Raffle– The PTO will have a basket raffle that evening. Our class is putting together a Car Care Basket. You can donate items for this basket or send in money for us to purchase items for the basket.


This week our Language Arts class is reading about Soil. Miss Pysher is teaching reading groups.  She brought in soil for the students to observe and feel.  One group read a book called Earthworms and they got to touch real worms!  Ask your second grader to tell you some soil facts they have read.






Subtraction Rap

Today we started two digit subtraction with regrouping.  This is a tricky concept for students.  We learned a funky rap (with dance moves too!) that helps us recognize if regrouping is necessary to solve the problem.  When solving a problem we ask ourselves “Is there more on the top or more on the floor?”.

Busy Writers

This month Mrs. Muhr’s and Mrs. Frank’s Language Arts class has started a cool writing project.  The students are writing their own versions of The Little Red Hen and then publishing their stories using a digital story telling site called Little Bird Tales.  The Little Red Hen is learning to make all sorts of things like s’mores, nachos and snow cones. Students have spent time planning the text and pictures for each page.  They have started working on the computer to type and create artwork.  Stay tuned to check out our finished projects.  If your child is in this class and wants to do more digital storytelling at home they can log in to www.littlebirdtales.com and sign in using their school username and password.  Our school code is 1751.


Spaghetti Dinner “Car Care Basket”

image from desheacreek.com
image from desheacreek.com

Brecknock’s annual spaghetti dinner is on March 18. Each year the PTO has a basket raffle.  Our class is putting together a Car Care basket for the raffle.  We need your help to fill the basket.

You might choose to send in items for the basket: sponges, tire cleaner, wax, window cleaner, etc. Feel free to be creative!

You may also donate money if you do not have time to shop.  Please send in your cash in an envelope marked “attention Carolyn Sauder” and I will pass it on to her.

Carolyn will supply a container to put the items in unless someone chooses to donate a bucket or basket.

All donations are needed by March 11th.



The Golden Book


This week our class won the Golden Book!  The Golden Book award is given each week to a class that shows excellent behavior during library.  Our library class was on Tuesday, 2/9.  That was the day we dismissed early because of bad weather.  Even though the students knew they were getting to leave school early and had their backpacks all packed, they still did an excellent job at library.  Mrs. Putt said everyone selected their books and was engaged in reading them.  They were also respectful listeners during her read aloud. I’m so proud of my homeroom students for showing their best behavior while at special!!!!

Add it Up!

We are learning to add 2 and 3 digit numbers.  Here’s a cute song we’ve been singing to remind students the importance of starting with the ones digits and deciding if you need to regroup or carry (“shove”) a tens digit.  Ask your 2nd grader to sing along for you and show you the hand motions!

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