Got Milk?

photo credit: Flickr user Jessica Lucia
photo credit: Flickr user Jessica Lucia

On February 10th members from the Coordinated School Health Council will be coming to the cafeteria to take “Got Milk” pictures.  Students will get to drink a vanilla shake and then smile for a picture with a milk mustache.  The cost is $1.00 per person and all proceeds go directly to the Got Teeth program for the ELANCO District.  The Got Teeth program is a dental assistance program for low income children within the Elanco School district.

Drink a shake, smile, and support a great cause!

Balloon Rocket Experiment


On Friday we did an exciting experiment during Science.  One of our essential questions for this unit asks “How can force and motion be measured?”  We stretched a fishing line from one end of the classroom to another.  Balloons were taped to a straw that was threaded onto the fishing line.  When I cut the knot off the balloon it raced along the fishing line.  We then measured how far it traveled from the starting point.  We used five different sized balloons for the experiment. Students hypothesized which balloon they thought would travel the farthest and most of us were correct.  We only wish our classroom was a bit longer so the balloons could have traveled even further!


Gravity experiment

Today we investigated gravity by doing an experiment.  Two students stood on a bench and dropped items at the same time.  We carefully observed which object was pulled toward the ground first.  Students made their hypothesis first and then made note of the results on our chart.  This is an easy experiment for your second grader to replicate at home if they enjoyed it.

Clayton and Jacey dropped a pencil and a marker.
Clayton and Jacey dropped a pencil and a marker.


Kevin and Aicha dropped a feather and a piece of paper.
Kevin and Aicha dropped a feather and a piece of paper.
Emma and Ben dropped a place value cube and rock.
Emma and Ben dropped a place value cube and rock.


Anthony and Lilli dropped a small and large ball.
Anthony and Lilli dropped a small and large ball.
Ryan and Ashlyn jumped off the bench to see whom gravity pulled first.
Ryan and Ashlyn jumped off the bench to see whom gravity pulled first.

Market Day



market day

Help support Brecknock’s 2nd grade classes by making a Market Day purchase.  Proceeds from January’s Market Day sale will go to 2nd grade.  We are trying to raise money to purchase items for our Positive Thinking Day.

Paper orders are due to the office by Tuesday, January 20th.  You can also go to for an easier order/payment option.

Order pick up is Tuesday, January 27th in the gym lobby from 6:30-7:30 p.m.