Recycling Advocates

As part of our first module in Language Arts, we are learning to care for the Earth and have become Recycling Advocates.  We have researched what it means to reduce, reuse and recycle.  We know that schools use a lot of paper, so we decided to start our own third grade recycling program.  We learned that a local organization, the Mennonite Central Committee, recycles paper and other items to raise funds to cover shipping costs for the many relief kits that they send around the world. We have decided to collect paper at Brecknock and recycle it through MCC. Each third grade language arts class will be responsible for recycling paper from different hallways at our school.  My class will be responsible for the primary wing.

First, students worked in groups to write letters.  We wrote to Mrs. Hogan, the custodian, to ask her for 9 recycling bins, a cart for our recycling center, and boxes to transport the paper in.  We wrote a letter to Mrs. Andersen, the principal, to explain our project and ask permission. We wrote an email to the primary Brecknock teachers to let them know information we wanted them to share with their students.

Next, we prepared our recycling bins by labeling them with signs to show what can and can’t be recycled.We also delivered the bins to the their rooms.

Our plan is to empty bins once a week and put the paper in boxes to deliver to MCC. We have a recycling center on a cart in our classroom. Students may need to sort out items that aren’t recyclable. Once we get a cart load of boxes, I’ll drive them to the MCC recycling center.  If your family is ever interested in recycling items, you can take them directly to the MCC resource center in Ephrata too. Here’s the flyer with information.

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