Math Racers

This week our class will begin working on math fact fluency. One of the goals in second grade is to use mental strategies to add and subtract fluently and efficiently. Math fact fluency is often defined as the ability to solve a fact problem in three seconds or less.

We will focus first on our addition facts and will strive to learn them in groups (+2s, +3s, +4s, etc.).  Most mornings students will take a one minute math fact quiz on a fact group known as a “Math Racer.”  The quiz has 20 problems and students need to complete all problems correctly in one minute to pass. Students who pass will move on to the next fact group.  We will track our progress to math fluency on a bulletin board where each student has a car that will drive along a road past signs for each fact group.

Every second grader will bring home a flashcard envelope.  This envelope should be kept in the back pocket of their red homework folder so it can be used at school and home each day.  In the envelope you will find flashcards for the fact group your child is working on.  Please practice this flashcard set each night…even on weekends.  The best way to memorize math facts is to have frequent exposure to them.  The flashcards from previous fact groups will also be kept in the envelope.  It would be a good idea to periodically review these facts as well.

Thank you in advance for doing your part in helping your second grader become fluent in math facts.  Please let me know if you have any questions.  Check out our Math Racer bulletin board next time you visit our classroom.