My Awesome Goals for 4th Grade

My goal is to get my clarinet and band book faster from the band room. Also to basically get my lunchbox closed and throw out my trash and also to be better at math and play 4 Square with Wynn so she plays something with me. Also to actually even do something with someone at recess and to remember to put my purple water bottle with my lunchbox in the lunch bin thingy where you gotta put your lunchbox if you packed but I never remember my water bottle so then I am thirsty at lunch and also I am hot from sitting outside in the boring hot sun. Also Miss Wallace told me that she thought I should take a walk outside after school but I don’t think I can do that so I will try to fit it in with my clarinet practice and homework and reading. I hope I can accomplish these goals these years. All of them. Seriously. Well, that’s it and thanks for your time reading the goal of me. Bye people! If you like this thing that is good.


  1. Hi Ashlyn,
    My name is Trinity and I was in Mr. Geiman’s class last year. I really like your goals because I can relate to the goal to remember your instrument and book. (although I’m in orchestra) I also really like how you used your capitols really well like for the title and for names. If you had to choose what is something new that you would try at recess? I wish you put what song or note you are struggling with. (other than 4 square) ~ Trinity?

  2. I like that you trying to remember to bring your water bottle to lunch.
    I wish that you would of told me what you like to do at recces.
    The question I have is why are you having trouble remembering your water bottle?

    • Well, I sometimes forget it-like I did today. I would need to remember it so I would have a drink with my lunch. I pretend that I’m a bird when I am playing outside at recess.

      From, Ash

  3. Thank you Trinity! I think today that I will tell my friends that I want to try 4-Square. That was a very good idea.:):):):):)

  4. Oh, and my clarinet will be fixed in a hour or two. It doesn’t make a noise. But I first could hold a note for 20 seconds! So yeah. A lot of work and a lot of fun, I guess. But I see how you liked Mr. Geiman is totally epic. That was just so nice that you left a comment.

    P.S. Oh, I was hard with the part where you are supposed to do something called Tap, Toot, and Time.
    From, Ashlyn Graham (Graham31w)

  5. Tell you what, it actually got fixed today! I am so happy. All I needed was a new reed.
    From, Ash to the world

  6. I liked the way that you had a lot of goals but in the story you whet off track and it was a little confusing at first.

  7. What did I do wrong where I went off track? 🙁

  8. I like how you told that you want to put your lunchbox in the bin before lunch. I wish that you would have put what you play at recess. I wonder if you like math or a certain category in math.

    Please come to my blog and comment!!!

  9. Actually Elise, I usually play at recess something called RIO which is something I play with my BFF, and I pretend that I am a blue macaw and I really like STAR Math tests. ??????????????????????????????????????:):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

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