March 23

Should kids have a limited time of TV time?

!Yes, kids should have limited TV times!


  I saw that kids should have at the most 1 ½ hours of TV time a day. Here are 4 reasons why I think this.


My first reason is that kids are kids for a certain amount of time. Play outside and enjoy freedom when you have it because when your a adult you have to pay bills and work. And then come home after a long day of work and you guessed it, go on a phone,TV or computer. So when you’re a kid enjoy the outdoor times. You have lot’s of energy and there is no point wasting it on TV. But I’m not saying no TV I’m say a limited time. For example in my family we get TV time for doing chores. The only time we don’t do work for time is weekends. Folding laundry is 1 hour, 1 ½ for dishes and 2 hours for mowing the lawn.


My second reason is that kids usually eat popcorn,ice cream or chips while watching TV. I don’t know why but eating lots of unhealthy,junk food is provoked by TV. It wouldn’t be a problem if the majority of people ate healthy in front of the TV but people don’t. They eat junk food. Eating too much unhealthy food is,well, very unhealthy and bad for your body. For example on a average basis,(based off of the abundant amount of electronics.) you probably play a video game or watch a movie/TV show every day.


My second to last reason is when you are watching TV you learn no life skills. You don’t practice hobbies or make friends. If you meet someone online you don’t know them, and how are you supposed to know that they are telling the truth plus you could learning how to do something useful that could help the community that you live in.


And my final reason is it makes you grumpy and very easily irritated. I’m sure that there is a scientific explanation for this but for some reason if you are on TV for too long you get grumpy. It’s like walking into a room of monkeys with bananas strapped to you. You walked in fine but came out traumatized.  


Those are my 4 reasons why I think kids should have a limited time on the TV.

KUBO akahawkeyefan via Compfight  

!TV’s are everywhere!



Posted March 23, 2017 by bryanbbz1 in category Uncategorized

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