August 9

Back to School Shopping

I cannot believe it is already time for back to school shopping.  School will be starting before we know it!

You will be receiving a back to school letter in the mail sometime in the next week, but I figured some of you may be curious about the items you will need now.

The second grade teachers supply everything that your child will need. I have purchased a pencil pouch for each student and already filled it with 2 pencils, crayons, a glue stick, an eraser, a whiteboard marker and eraser and a bookmark. We will supply all of the folders that your child will need.

Your child may bring:
-pencils (they go through them so quickly!)
-erasers (same as above)
-a handheld pencil sharpener
-their own crayons, colored pencils or markers
-Earbuds- Each child will have a Chromebook that they will use daily. We recommend sending in a pair of earbuds that your child can use. If they do not have earbuds, they will use the school’s headphones. Your child can store his/her earbuds in his/her pencil pouch.

If you have not already completed the Second Grade back to school survey, please do so at your earliest convenience. You can access it here. Thank you for your time!

Feel free to send me an email or leave a comment if you have any questions!