October 20

Fire Prevention

Today we went to the fire prevention program with our language arts class. The students learned what to do in case of a fire or another form of emergency. They were able to go in an ambulance and fire truck as they learned about what to do in emergencies.

October 19

Red Ribbon Week

Brecknock Elementary Red Ribbon Spirit Week

October 23-October 27, 2016

“Your future is key so stay drug free!”

Monday, 10/23– “Your future is KEY,” for you and me. Role Reversal- Students dress like staff and staff dress like students.

Tuesday, 10/24– “Your future is KEY,” so eat healthy. Apple crunch day- Wear red.

Wednesday, 10/25– “Your future is KEY,” so dream what you could be. Dress like someone you want to be in the future.

Thursday, 10/26– “Your future is KEY,” so be safe when being silly. Dress in something mismatched.

Friday, 10/27- “Your future is KEY,” so fitness is a priority. Staff and students walk around Brecknock before the start of school. Wear your favorite sport team’s shirt and sneakers.

October 16

Fact Family

Last week we started our new unit which focuses on problem solving. If you need a new study guide, go to the math tab of my blog and click on the unit 1 study guide.

Last week we focused on learning how addition and subtraction facts are related in fact families.  On Friday we did an activity where students had to walk around the room looking for other students who were in their fact family.  You know facts are related if they use the same numbers (example: 2+3=5, 3+2=5, 5-2=3, 5-3=2). Once students found their family they posed for a “family photo”.

October 6

bee sun

                      “Bee” a “bright” kid!


This week, the second graders participated in a Think! Energy with E-power Bright Kids program. At the assembly, students learned about energy and natural resources. The students were told which of our resources were renewable and which were nonrenewable. They were also told a few new tricks on how to save energy as well as the importance of saving energy.

The assembly also discussed open and closed circuits. We did a fun experiment to learn that we were all conductors of energy! Each second grader stood palm to palm to make a closed circuit which made the “energy stick” light up. We then tested paper and aluminum foil to see if they were conductors or insulators. Each teacher was given an energy stick for their classroom.

Each child that returned their permission slip took home a Bright Kids Energy Kit. Inside of the kit is light bulbs, a night light, stickers and a pamphlet. All that PPL asks is that you complete and return the family worksheet. Please send in the family worksheet no later than October 18th. 


October 2

“Change your words, change your mindset.”

Hello Families!

Today was such a great first day back! The kiddos were all so well behaved! In language arts my class learned about growth mindset. Growth mindset is just a different way of thinking. Instead of believing that you’re either good at something or not, it’s the belief that with practice and perseverance, you can do it!

Along with the information that your child brought home on growth mindset, feel free to learn more about it by watching the videos below.