September 27

The Banks Of The Cursed Strawberry Hill

Once Upon a time these these two kids named Jacob and Olivia Wanted to climb a mountain filled with strawberries. And one day Jacob and Olivia went to the hill and climb it. When they got to the top they saw a HUGE strawberry and they wanted to take a bite. So Jacob and Olivia went to take a bite of the strawberry and when they did they fell down and started rolling down the hill. Then when they got to the bottom they went home.


The next day Jacob and Olivia climbed the strawberry hill again. When they got to the top they took another bite of the strawberry. After they took a bite of the strawberry two squirrels picked up strawberries and started throwing strawberries at them. Then they started running down the hill. And then when they got down to the bottom of the hill they went home and told their Mom and Dad what happened.


The next day Jacob and Olivia climbed the strawberry hill again. When they got to the top of the strawberry mountain they didn’t take a bite of the huge strawberry they took a bite of a little strawberry and nothing happened. So they started to go down the hill and when they got to the bottom they went home. So when they opened the door there house was filled with strawberries and a strawberry waterslide was in the house so Jacob and Olivia went on the strawberry waterslide and when they were done they tried to find their Mom and Dad but they couldn’t.


So they went outside and went to the strawberry hill and they found there Mom and Dad eating the HUGE strawberry and then they shouted “ MOM, DAD STOP EATING THAT STRAWBERRY” and then mom and dad shouted back “ BUT IT’S SO GOOD!!!” Jacob and Olivia went up to them and said “ It’s cursed” and then there mom and dad stopped eating the strawberry and said “ Thanks kids for saving us”. And until that day on no one ever went up the hill again.

Posted September 27, 2016 by usner407 in category Uncategorized

1 thoughts on “The Banks Of The Cursed Strawberry Hill

  1. keeport016

    In the first paragraph you said “they went and climb it”. Not for to be mean but it doesn’t have properer grammar. And I really like the title of the story The Banks of Cursed Strawberry hill. I like the cursed part about it. I wish though that the parents would have been captured and then they has to be rescued by Jacob and Oliver. I wonder what would happened to them.Please come onto my blog and comment at


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