October 12

The Mysterious Egg!!

The Mysterious Egg

So one day my friend Bryce gave me a magic egg!  It was delivered at my house in October 12, 2016. The egg had polka dots and had yellow on it.

Then it started to hatch! It cracked and cracked and then it came out of the egg. It was a big colorful bird! So then I looked in the egg and saw a note. And it said… I saw this egg in the woods and wanted you to have it.

Finally the bird was growing up and it flew away. And I could see him from far away because his big colorful feathers.

October 12

Come And Visit El Capitan

Come Visit El Capitan

By: Owen and Frieda     

Here is some reason’s why to come to El Capitan. The first reason is it’s the biggest block of granite in the WORLD!!!  The second reason is if you climb it you have a really awesome view! The third reason is the people that go there like to climb El Capitan!!!!  The best reason to go to El Capitan is it’s a favorite climbing place for visitors.  


Here’s why you need to go to El Capitan. El Capitan is awesome because if you climb it you see a 1,612 feet waterfall on the west of El Capitan. And El Capitan was found 200 years ago!! The best reason to visit El Capitan is because you can see the rest of the places there.


OK here is a question “ Why would you go to El Capitan”


  1. A really good view.            B. World’s biggest block of granite.


  1. It’s a favorite place to climb.     D. There’s a waterfall on the west of El Capitan.

Ok see you next time. Bye