September 22

My Goals for 4th Grade

What goals do you have for yourself in 4th grade?  What do you want to accomplish in 4th grade this year? What do you like so far about 4th grade and how can you become a better student than last year.


I love fourth grade but I have goals to accomplish like doing my work and bringing in my homework I need to work on that a lot. My BIGGEST weakness is writing on paper. My other goal outside of school is being a professional football player. My other weakness is getting in trouble. I want to to be proficient at my reading and math facts.My other acomplishment outside of school is being better at sports.

I like the best about fourth grade is math reading and recess. Another is specials science and lunch. I like my teachers and I my friends. And another goal is listening with attention. Ok guys I’ll see you next time

Posted September 22, 2016 by usner407 in category Uncategorized

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