September 30

Dear, Jackson

One night I was in bed and every night I kept hearing this loud croak. And one night I went outside to check it out and I saw a BIG horned toad. I couldn’t believe what I saw it like seeing a giant rock. So I got closer to it and then I touched it. And I couldn’t believe what it did it said “don’t touch me” In a person’s voice and at that point I walked to my house and went right to bed.  


When I woke up I went outside to see if the horned/talking toad was out there. I looked all around for him and then I looked behind my house and there was a big hole behind it and I looked in there and I saw him. So the horned/talking toad came out it’s hole and it’s said “ Good Morning “ Then I said back “ Good Morning “ So then I asked him a lot of questions. Some of the questions I asked him was “ How do you talk “ And he said back “ I was born like this “ So then I asked him to come inside  


So when the toad came in I asked him “ Do you wanna be friends “ And the toad said   

“ Sure “ So when we became friends we tried to come up with a name for the toad. So I came up with the name Jake. And the toad came up with Eddie. So then we both agreed with Eddie. So then we played tag and Eddie was it. Then he tagged me and I said “ Time out “ And then after the timeout we didn’t play tag again

So then we went inside to grab a drink of water and Eddie had been waiting to say this. And he said “ Will you kiss me “ and I said “ Why “  Eddie said back “ Because then I will become a prince “ And then I said “ Ok fine “ So then the toad and I leaned in and kiss each other and the toad went POOF. Then Eddie became. And then Eddie and I became best friends and we will never forget the day I turned Eddie into a prince.  

Sincerely, Owen

September 27

The Banks Of The Cursed Strawberry Hill

Once Upon a time these these two kids named Jacob and Olivia Wanted to climb a mountain filled with strawberries. And one day Jacob and Olivia went to the hill and climb it. When they got to the top they saw a HUGE strawberry and they wanted to take a bite. So Jacob and Olivia went to take a bite of the strawberry and when they did they fell down and started rolling down the hill. Then when they got to the bottom they went home.


The next day Jacob and Olivia climbed the strawberry hill again. When they got to the top they took another bite of the strawberry. After they took a bite of the strawberry two squirrels picked up strawberries and started throwing strawberries at them. Then they started running down the hill. And then when they got down to the bottom of the hill they went home and told their Mom and Dad what happened.


The next day Jacob and Olivia climbed the strawberry hill again. When they got to the top of the strawberry mountain they didn’t take a bite of the huge strawberry they took a bite of a little strawberry and nothing happened. So they started to go down the hill and when they got to the bottom they went home. So when they opened the door there house was filled with strawberries and a strawberry waterslide was in the house so Jacob and Olivia went on the strawberry waterslide and when they were done they tried to find their Mom and Dad but they couldn’t.


So they went outside and went to the strawberry hill and they found there Mom and Dad eating the HUGE strawberry and then they shouted “ MOM, DAD STOP EATING THAT STRAWBERRY” and then mom and dad shouted back “ BUT IT’S SO GOOD!!!” Jacob and Olivia went up to them and said “ It’s cursed” and then there mom and dad stopped eating the strawberry and said “ Thanks kids for saving us”. And until that day on no one ever went up the hill again.

September 22

My Goals for 4th Grade

What goals do you have for yourself in 4th grade?  What do you want to accomplish in 4th grade this year? What do you like so far about 4th grade and how can you become a better student than last year.


I love fourth grade but I have goals to accomplish like doing my work and bringing in my homework I need to work on that a lot. My BIGGEST weakness is writing on paper. My other goal outside of school is being a professional football player. My other weakness is getting in trouble. I want to to be proficient at my reading and math facts.My other acomplishment outside of school is being better at sports.

I like the best about fourth grade is math reading and recess. Another is specials science and lunch. I like my teachers and I my friends. And another goal is listening with attention. Ok guys I’ll see you next time

September 16

The Pilgrims


The Story Of The Pilgrims

By: Owen and Frieda 

A scouting party was sent out, and in late December the group landed at Plymouth Harbor, where they would form the first permanent settlement of Europeans in New England.The original settlers of Plymouth Colony are known as the Pilgrim Fathers, or simply as the Pilgrims. The Mayflower 3min.


The Pilgrims went to New England because there was no one there and they wanted freedom and a better life. It was hard for the Pilgrims to survive the were hungry there crops didn’t grow in time and it was very cold. The Pilgrims and Native Americans work together and the Native Americans taught the Pilgrims how to grow crops better and the ingredient was fish heads. What the would do is dig a hole put some fish head in the hole and put soil on top of the fish heads, and Then they would put their seeds in and there cover them up, Last the crops would grow faster.  


Mayflower arrived in New England on November 11,1620 after a voyage of 66 days. Although the Pilgrims had originally intended to settle near the Hudson River in New York, dangerous shoals and poor winds forced the ship to seek shelter at Cape Cod.The English ship the Mayflower carried the Separatist Puritans, later known as Pilgrims, to Plymouth, Massachusetts, in 1620. The 180-ton vessel was about 12 years old and had been in the wine trade. It was chartered by John Carver, a leader of the Separatist congregation at Leiden, Holland
The native inhabitants of the region The around Plymouth Colony were the various tribes of the Wampanoag people, who had lived there for some 10,000i years before the Europeans arrived. Soon after the Pilgrims built their settlement, they came into contact with Tisquantum, or Squanto, an English-speaking Native American. If the Native Americans never what ofed helped the Pilgrims the Pilgrims never would of made it.

September 8

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