November 16

Piece of Technology I Couldn’t Live Without

A piece of technology I couldn’t live with out is probably my school computer. The reason I say that is because I do all of my work on my school computer. It is where I blog, do kid biz, do extra math, IXL, ST Math, and projects. If I didn’t have it I wouldn’t be able to do any work. If I can’t do any work the I can’t get good grades and I always try to get good grades. That is why I feel as if I couldn’t live without my school computer.

November 2

Hero or Not?

Here is a quote by Christopher Reeve. It is about what a hero is.  Here it is:

“A hero is an ordinary individual who finds the strength to persevere and endure in spite of overwhelming obstacles.” –  Christopher Reeve

Now I will answer some questions about it.

  • What does this quote mean to you?  To me it means that any ordinary person can be a hero if they persevere through obstacles. 
  • Going back to what we discussed at the beginning of this unit, name two traits a hero should have and why they need those traits. They need perseverance for sure because if something is really hard they need perseverance to keep working at it. They also need the character trait of  kindness because if you are just rude about everything nobody will like you and won’t consider you as a hero.  
  • Who in your own life do you consider a hero?  Why? I consider my Mom and Dad heroes because they are always there for me and they both work to get the money to put food on the table and pay the bills.
  • Name one person from history that has the qualities of a hero?  Why would you pick that person? Abraham Lincoln is someone from the past that has the qualities of a hero. I would pick Lincoln because he ended slavery and help the side against slavery win the civil war.
November 2



The Man Who Thinks He Can – by Walter D. Wintle


If you think you are beaten, you are;

If you think that you dare not, you don’t.

If you’d like to win, but you think you can’t,

it’s almost certain that you won’t.


If you think you’ll lose, you’ve lost;

For out in the world you’ll find

Success begins with a fellow’s will –

It’s all in the state of mind.


If you think that you are out-classed, you are;

You’ve got to think high to rise.

You’ve got to be sure of yourself before

You can ever win a prize.



Life’s battles don’t always go

to the stronger or faster man;

But sooner or later, the man who wins

is the man who thinks he can!


  • What the theme of this poem?  How can you tell? The theme of this poem is to never give up and always have a positive mindset. I could tell because in the poem it says that if you think you’ve lost you have which means you do not have a good mindset. 
  • What is the best line or lines from the poem to support the poem’s theme? Explain how it supports the theme. Well one line I like if the one that says life’s battles don’t always go to the stronger or faster man. Another one is the one that says “If you think you are beaten you are,” They support the theme because they point to having a good mindset.
  • Have you ever given up?  What could you have done differently to reach that goal? Yes, I have given up many times. Sometimes while just trying to figure something out at home or while trying to learn a new skill in a sport. What I could have done differently is just keep trying and maybe ask somebody.
  • Why is better to have a positive outlook over a negative one? It is better to have a positive mindset other than a negative one because it give you hope and determination.
November 1

Should Schools Ban Books?

          Some people think books written on certain topics should be banned in schools. I agree. There are some books that are just not appropriate for kids. Like sometimes there is a horror movie and then a book comes out. That is the kind of book that should not be in schools. Elementary schools should ban books that are on the high school level that have people smoking a lot or talks about drugs a lot because there are some kids that if they read books like that they would thinks smoking is cool and then start smoking themselves. That is why I think books on certain topics should be banned.