Pathways to Success

Garden Spot High School

Natalija Gligorevic – Journalism Internship

When I learned about the internship program at Garden Spot, I immediately knew that I wanted to join. There was an abundance of opportunities, even for someone who has a niche learning interest in English. After sitting down and going through the many options that suited my personality and passion, Mrs. Hackman and I chose the Marketing internship at Garden Spot Village. There, my title is “Storyteller.” My duties include: writing blog posts, proofreading community magazines, and writing community articles.

My placement as a marketing intern means I use various skills when I work on my assigned tasks. The tasks I am assigned work on a day-to-day basis, relying on what exactly needs to be done that day or week. My routine includes arriving at the farmhouse office at Garden Spot Village, asking my mentor what needs to be done that day, and then completing it in my temporary office and work laptop. Past projects involved proofreading brochures and articles, writing blog posts for the GSV website, entering data into Google spreadsheets, forming social media posts, and conducting research on potential resident outings. There are a lot of instances where I get the opportunity to shadow or observe certain projects. For example, I have observed marketing meetings and the creation of digital marketing videos for the GSV website, called the Monthly Endeavor.

Currently, I am working on a blog post about seven things to be grateful for in Lancaster County, regarding the Thanksgiving season. Although the topic was assigned to me, my mentor gave me the freedom to do my own exploration and research. This is just one instance of this internship allowing my creativity and imagination to grow. Additionally, this internship has taught me responsibility and independence. With every task that I am trusted with, I am expected to complete it efficiently and diligently on my own. This internship has helped me grow as a person, and it has made me feel more prepared to experience life outside of high school as an adult. My dream career goal is to become an English professor; however, this internship has helped me broaden my horizons and consider other options. It has solidified my love for writing and storytelling, but has made me think about potential marketing careers.

I am incredibly grateful to have had the opportunity to intern in the Marketing Department at Garden Spot Village. Each day I attend my internship is a new day where I am learning, growing, and maturing. The marketing team that I work with is welcoming, supportive, and helpful in many ways, and they have taught me many valuable lessons that I will apply to my future.


jhackman • November 13, 2023

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