Pathways to Success

Garden Spot High School


Emma Kauffman – EMT Internship

Hello! My name is Emma Kauffman, and I am a senior at Garden Spot. I have my internship this semester with the New Holland Ambulance Association, where I get to shadow the EMTs and paramedics. It has been an amazing experience so far.

On the job, EMTs have a variety of duties. When they are not needed to run the ambulance, they are at the station cleaning and making sure that all the medical supplies are stocked, up-to-date, and sanitized. When a call comes in, they get a summary of what is going on and go straight to the place of the incident. They then determine what needs to be done for the patient, and often take them to the hospital. While on the truck, EMTs are responsible for making sure the patient’s conditions stay stable and giving any treatments that are needed immediately. Once the patients are in the hospital, they give reports to the nurses and sanitize and reset everything in the ambulance. When they get back to the ambulance they chart the whole incident and how the patient was taken care of.

I have grown a lot from this experience. The most important thing that I have learned is how to serve different people in different situations. For example, when someone needs to go to the hospital but does not want to, they need to be shown why it is in their best interest to go there so that we can help them. Bedside manners are very important in this career. My future goals have been solidified through my internship. I want to become a physician assistant so that I can help people medically and hopefully grow in relationships with my patients. I have also decided that I would like to become an EMT if possible so that I can continue to run with the EMS during college.

My internship with the New Holland EMS has taught me so much about the medical field and about people. It makes me very excited for the career ahead of me and to see how I can be a positive influence on the world around me. The people who work there are true servants to the people of our community, and I hope to be like them someday.


jhackman • November 13, 2023

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  1. Deb Reimers November 21, 2023 - 1:49 am Reply

    This is a wonderful entry, Emma. It gives me a clear picture of what you are doing at your internship. I am so glad to hear this experience has helped you realize you are headed into the right career path for you!

  2. Steve Kauffman November 22, 2023 - 7:24 pm Reply

    What a great way to gain experience in the medical field and find your career interest. Pursue what you have a passion for and it won’t be a job but a rewarding experience.

  3. Jason Kauffman December 14, 2023 - 2:26 am Reply

    You go girl!!! We love you!

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