Pathways to Success

Garden Spot High School


Hallie Butler – Elementary Education Internship

I have the best internship located at Blue Ball Elementary School in Mrs. Schultz 5th grade classroom. My job duties include assisting Mrs. Schultz in directing students, teaching small group lessons, helping with the craft club, and reading aloud. I have already grown from my experience with the students by learning from mistakes and adjusting how I react to situations. This experience has further excited me to pursue an early childhood education career.

My daily routine and job duties fluctuate each day. When I first started, my routine was to help a student who struggles with focusing. I would help him get started on his assignments and projects.  Next, I would assist Mrs. Schultz with the direct instruction group and keeping the remaining groups on task. My current routine begins with reading aloud.  Next, we transition into English by starting with direct instruction groups that are homogeneously organized. That includes readings and worksheets. Finally, we transition into math class where the students either have computer time or group work. During math instruction, I usually grade math tests. Additionally, every other Thursday is craft club where we lead the students in a fun craft. Our big craft has been paper Mache pumpkins.

I have already learned and grown from my experiences at Blue Ball. The first few weeks getting to know the kids was very nerve-racking. More than anything I wanted them to like me. I came off as their friend rather than an authoritative figure. I’ve learned that that was a mistake as they often don’t listen to me as well as they do Mrs. Schultz. Because of this, I’ve learned that I have to adjust how I speak and act towards them. However, my experience has been nothing but positive. It’s affirmed how much I love working with kids and that this is my dream career.

To conclude, my internship is the best. My routine changes weekly, always with a fun addition. The students have taught me beneficial lessons and I have learned to adjust to what life throws at me. This experience has forced me to be more purposeful with my actions and my future goals.


jhackman • January 28, 2020

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  1. Kiera December 7, 2020 - 5:05 am Reply

    Hey Hallie,you might not remember me from last year but I was in Mrs.Schultz’s class. My name is Kiera Mansi, I was reading your stuff and it brings back so many memories. Im in sixth grade now and I miss you alot you were so much fun to have around, You helped me so much with math. Cause of you i’m better at math now. Thank you Hallie

  2. hallie December 7, 2020 - 3:00 pm Reply

    Hey Kiera! That’s so awesome I am so proud of you!

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