A Note to the Parents!


Good Morning!

A lot of information is being sent home today! It is an exciting time as we finish up our first week in second grade! Make sure you check your child’s yellow folder so that you know what is happening in our classroom as well as with transitioning between classes! If you have questions, feel free to contact me! 

Have a fabulous four day weekend! 

Mrs. Hoffsmith

~ Bee Vibrant ~
Creative Commons License Photo Credit: Stuart Williams via Compfight

First Day of School!


Hello Parents!

We are having a great first day of school! We have gotten to know each other so well and have had a great start to the school year! Today, we read about friendship and accepting our differences so that we can be successful in the classroom! In their take-home folder, you may see a school building coloring. Based on the directions, they colored different parts of the school to represent themselves. Feel free to ask them about it…they really enjoyed doing this! We also wrote about our summers and what we are looking forward to most this year! After lunch, we are planning on identifying patterns in our names and going to try a science experiment focusing on the scientific method! In the following days, we plan on focusing more on activities and small group learning so that we can get to know your children! It has been a pleasure to get to hear about your summers and get to meet your children! I am so excited for the year! If you have any questions, please feel free to email me! Have a great week! 

-Mrs. Hoffsmith

Welcome to Second Grade!


Hello Second Graders and Parents!

I am so excited for the school year to begin, but I hope you  are enjoying the last few weeks of your summer vacation! I am excited to hear about all your fun adventures that you have done this summer! These past few weeks, I have been preparing for our classroom by putting new bulletin boards up and organizing all the school supplies we will be using this year! I am putting up new bulletin boards and new decorations, but during the first week of school, we will be doing different activities that will help further decorate our classroom together! I am in the midst of learning different technology and teaching strategies that I will be able to use in our classroom! It is getting super exciting! I am looking forward to the new school year, but would love to see you all for the Back to School Night here at Blue Ball Elementary on August 21st at 6pm. Keep on reading a couple minutes per day and practicing those math facts while you enjoy the last weeks of summer! If you have any questions before the school year begins, feel free to contact me at jenna_bucklew@elanco.org.

See you soon!

Mrs. Hoffsmith

Creative Commons License Photo Credit: Scott Wills via Compfight