
Civics: the study of rights and duties of citizens

With this knowledge of civics, we will be analyzing our classroom rules and our responsibilities in the classroom. We will learn how it is important to know what is expected so that everyone is treated equal and that all work is completed.

We will focus on words that good citizens portray and how each of us can be a good citizen in the classroom. Words such as, acceptance, courage, kind, perseverance, good friend, and honesty.

At the end of the unit, we will be able to:

1. Explain the importance of rules in the classroom and school community (5.1.2.B)

2. Explain why school rules are written and posted. (5.1.2.D)

3. Identify and explain the importance of responsibility at school, at home, and the community. (5.2.2.A)

4. Explain responsible community behavior (5.2.2.D)

Game/Activity to Do: Curious George on the Job Help Curious George determine the best match for a person’s uniform to the tool they would use on the job. It is important that these individuals are responsible and follow the rules by using the appropriate tools just like you do at school! 

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