Pathways to Success

Garden Spot High School

Katelyn Davis – Marketing Internship

My name is Katelyn Davis and I am currently an intern a MH Eby Trailers and Truck Bodies, in Blue Ball, in their marketing department. I work mainly with Cynthia Burrey (Office Manager), Ryan Pabon (Marketing Manager), and Erin Varley (Vice President of Sales Development). I am at Eby twice a week, on Tuesdays and Thursdays, for the second half of the school day.

At Eby, I am focused on using Adobe software and editing/design platforms where I create graphics that are used for events, videos for social media, and other miscellaneous mini-projects including competitor research. My daily routine is pretty similar looking at it day to day. Once I arrive, I clock in, check my emails, pop in my AirPods, and get right back to where I left off on any projects from the previous day. If I need any help, get any feedback, or if there is a new project, then I will have a little mini-meeting with my advisors to get a baseline idea of what needs to be done and get the ball rolling.

I have been given the opportunity to have my own workspace for the projects. Within my first week, I was given the freedom to design some different ideas for installation manuals for truck bodies that Eby sells. These install guides that they had previously were to a point where they were outdated and my advisors felt that they needed to be revamped. I have the opportunity to work with their engineers to gather new and improved images and dialects for these manuals. Another project I have been working on is an ad, designed in Adobe Illustrator, for the Pennsylvania Farm Show. Every year, Eby purchases a sponsorship ad space and then creates a design for said space. This year, I had the privilege of designing that ad.

Overall, in the time that I have been with Eby, I have really learned a lot from these people. Ryan and Cynthia have given me a lot of creative feedback as well as letting me do my own thing. I can see how much they enjoy and take this job seriously, but also being able to have a good laugh along the way. I genuinely think one of my favorite things about Eby is how the office feels like a cohesive, family environment. You will often hear someone laughing, joking around, digging through Cynthia’s lollipop jar, or talking about some crazy event that happened the day before. There is always someone willing to talk.

In the way of my future plans, I feel that Eby has directed me in the right direction. I have found how much I really do love designing things and how detail-oriented I actually am. I enjoyed the creative side of this internship and everything it had to offer. I think I can definitely pursue a career in graphic design or communication design after working with this company.


jhackman • November 13, 2023

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