Pathways to Success

Garden Spot High School


Chandler Alenovitz – Engineering Internship

My name is Chandler Alenovitz.  My semester 1 internship is atCase New Holland Industrial where I am exploring engineering careers.  I am going through a rotation of 6 areas of engineering, so I am getting to work with many engineers and see a wide variety of jobs and tasks.  For example, one week I was with electrical engineers and the next, I was with mechanical engineers as well as with the technicians. I’ve found that the engineers at CNHi are spread throughout many different buildings and in many different areas based on where they are needed.

Each new week at CNHi means a new experience, a new atmosphere, and working with a different engineer. When I arrive, I get my safety glasses ready and use my CNH badge to get into the building.  Up to this point, I have interned in the lab and field tests.  So far, in field tests, I was given the opportunity to torque bolts to spec on a side pole mower and checked temperatures on disks to make sure they are ready to be shipped out.  I also had the opportunity to change oil filters from a hydraulic. These oil filters were about ten times bigger than an ordinary car oil filter.  One of the more exciting things I was given to do was operating the autonomous tractor on the bump track.  Using the computers to maneuver the tractor seemed a lot like a video game, but instead, I was controlling a huge, and expensive, piece of ag equipment around the track without an operator inside.

This internship allowed me to grow and gave me experiences and insights into engineering that I would have never experienced otherwise.  Because of this experience, I now feel more confident entering college for specifically mechanical engineering.  I am very thankful that I was able to have this internship at Case New Holland Industrial.  Because of their support, I am ready to confidently pursue my career.


jhackman • January 22, 2019

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  1. Rodney Jones January 22, 2019 - 7:58 pm Reply

    Excellent experience!

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