Pathways to Success

Garden Spot High School

Brian Beck Earns BEP Grant Towards Auto/Diesel Training

Brain Beck, Garden Spot High School senior and Pathways2Success Cooperative Education student, was recently accepted into the Automotive and Diesel Technology program at the Automotive Training Center in Exton, PA.  Brian will start this program this June and will graduate in February 2020.  His goal is to work on diesel vehicles at a local shop in Lancaster or Berks County.

While in the P2S Co-Op program, Brian completed the WIN and Ready2Work exams.  Ready2Work is a nationally recognized career readiness certificate that earned him a $5000 Business Education Partnership grant through CareerLink Lancaster towards training (degree or certificate) in a high priority career.

Congratulations to Brian on this huge achievement!


jhackman • May 21, 2018

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