News Discussion: Mini Golf (week 14)

The idea of mini golf became to be when women weren’t supposed to play golf since it wasn’t ladylike for a woman to have a golf club past their shoulders. So they just made their own, and eventually the idea spread. James Barber built the very first official mini golf course in 1916. When he finished, he said, “This’ll do,” which what turned into the name of the course called: Thistle Dhu. 1926 was when the first mini golf course became more like the courses are today, with creative statues and obstacles. Since the Great Depression in 1929, people couldn’t afford to go to any amusements. So people got creative and used junk like tires, pipes, rain gutters to make their own little courses. Mini golf became so popular, celebrities and movie stars played them as well and mini golf became even more well known.

What do you think you would’ve done if all the amusements were closed? Would you make your own?

Do you think mini-golf is worth the popularity it got?

Do you prefer normal golf, or mini golf better? Why?

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