week 17 article


This article is an analysis on the mook Of mice and men and what Lennie is a supposed to represent. Some would say it’s just someone for george to care about or it’s just autism awareness, but I’d say Lennie is supposed to represent the hardships of life. In the book George had to go through a lot of bumps in his life when especially when trying to get a job. Lennie’s actions did not help George get closer to what he wanted but George couldn’t left Lennie in the dust. George kept pushing through even with Lennie by his side no matter how many mistakes he’s made. Which is why I think Lennie is supposed to represent the hardships in life and how they can bring you down or make it more difficult for you to get what you really want to achieve.

What do you think George or Lennie represents in the book? Why? Do you think George is better off without Lennie?

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