Syanna 's Blog

Just another site

Week 19 -Last One

How will you improve America? I will improve America by (yes I’m going to use a cliche) being the change that I want to see in the world, standing up for what I believe in, and being present in my… Continue Reading →

Week 16, 17, & 18

Whoopsies again, looks like I am skipping these weeks as well, but this time it is mostly due to the fact that I don’t want to. #Endoftheschoolyeargotmelike

Week 15

How important is the traditional family structure (such as mother, father, and two kids under the same roof) in today’s society? The traditional family structure is probably still important but not as important as it once was. This is because… Continue Reading →

Week 14

Is it better to have an outlandish dream or none at all? Why? I personally feel as though it is better to have an outlandish dream rather than none at all because while I feel like there are some realistic… Continue Reading →

News Article -Week 13

I’ve decided to skip week 13 because 1) that was two weeks ago and 2) I don’t feel like finding an article 🙂

Week 12

Can there be ‘different truths’ based on the perspectives of those involved? I feel as though, when it comes to the overall truth of a situation, there is only one actual thing that happened in terms of details to the… Continue Reading →

Second Book Choice -Week 11

The contemporary American novel that I picked for this marking period is called Alive written by American author Chandler Baker. In the overview of the book, it tells a tale of a girl by the name of Stella Cross who has… Continue Reading →

Week 10

What should the relationship be between the individual and society in America? The relationship between the individual and society in America should be that an individual should be independent enough to the point where they can make important decisions on… Continue Reading →

Week 7, 8, & 9

Whoopsies, I didn’t do these before the quarter ended, so looks like I’m going to have to skip them.

Week 6

How should we respond to those we disagree with? Does the severity of the disagreement matter? Is disagreement helpful or harmful to America? How so? As far as disagreeing with others goes, we can simply respond by “holding our own”… Continue Reading →

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