Week 17



I read the article “Waking up from the American Dream” by Karla Villavicencio. She talks about her life as an undocumented citizen in America. She talks about her version of the American dream and how it took for her to get there.  This relates to what we have been talking about and how everyones dreams are different.

  1. What is your American dream?
  2. What would you do if you felt your dream could never be achieved? Would you give up?

Week 14

Family dynamic is important in todays society. I believe children should listen to their parents advice always, however they should listen to their parents choices until their 18 or move out of the house.

Week 16

I would recommend this book it was very interesting and kept you intrigued throughout. I think I will be doing an ABC book for my final project. There were multiple times that I actually felt stress because the situation was very detailed.

Week 15

After watching The Great Gatsby I realize how the american dream can be different for everyone and how love is such a powerful motivator.  Both of which lead to Gatsby’s downfall and resulted in his death, clasping on to a dream that could never be a reality.  It really shows you that there isn’t always a happy ending.

Week 13



This article talks about the link between genetics and alcoholism. It was taken of one million subjects. It was also a higher predictor of mental illness. They are not a destiny, other factors can influence this decision and in the end it is ultimately depended on you.


Would you want to know if your genetics are high for alcoholism?

Is there a cure for this “disease”?

Week 11

The essay we have written has really summed up the individuality and conformity unit.  We are starting the Great Gatsby which from what I heard was a really confusing, even the movie.

Week 12

I chose The Martian as my book for this quarter. So far, it swears a lot, which is reasonable because he is stuck on Mars. It is funny though that he has a good humor even though he is kinda going crazy being alone just him and his potatoes.

Week 10

I think transcendentalism is an interesting concept. I am also surprised that people wanted to live alone for that long and didn’t go crazy in the process. I never could think I could do it.

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