The best things to do on a snow day!

`Allison- Purple

Georgina- Aqua


What is the best thing to do on a snow day? Stay tuned to find out! One thing you can do is go to a trampoline park to jump like a kangaroo. Another thing you could do on a snow day is drink hot chocolate.You could even watch a movie. One other thing that you can do is go sledding on a blanket of snow.  These are a few activities to enjoy during a snow day. Want to hear more keep on reading.


In this paragraph we are going to tell you what you can do outdoors. Some activities you can do is build a 25 five foot snowmen if you want but if you don’t want to that’s okay. Another outdoor activity to enjoy on a snow day is go sledding. All you need to do is grab your sled,put on your boots and you’re set! Also you can go build a snow fort if you want. You can have a snowball fight a throw a snowball at your sibling or siblings. So get on coat,scarf, boots, mittens or gloves, hat, and your snow pants. So get moving and get outside to have fun.                                          

Now that we’ve covered outdoor activities,we can move on inside your warm,comfy house you can toss your gloves, hat and come inside. Some great activities that you can do is inside  are as simple as just reading your favorite book to playing with your brother or sister. Another thing that you can do is do some crafts with your friends or take the time to study a subject you love. One other thing that you can do watch your favorite movie or take the time to clean your room. This is what you can do on a snow day.