Prompt: Do you think a woman will be President of the United States in the near future? Support your argument with examples.

Yes, I do think a woman will be President of the United States in the future. One of the UNICEF global goals are even gender equality. Each year, I think the world has improved on those goals. I mean, around the 1890’s women didn’t even work. Now, a lot of women work. We’ve already had a woman, Hillary Clinton, come close to becoming president. I believe that women are just as capable as men. If you think about it, the president’s wives have done a lot too. I mean, our former first lady, Michelle Obama, spoke about gender equality and raised awareness about education for young girls. Things change a lot over time and there’s no doubt that we’ll have a woman as the President of the United States in the near future.The White House Washington DC dog97209 via Compfight