Prompt: Who is your favorite or most important family member and why?  What memories do you have with them?  What are some traits they have that you hope you have?  What makes them such an incredible person?

(Picture from

Personally, it is really hard to choose between my family members, so I had Abby ( help me with that. A very important family member of mine is my dad, Chad. He is very important because he does a lot of things for my family. He does things like cooking, chores, driving my brother and I (for sports and other extra curricular things), and more. He is also very caring, if one of us is sick he’ll help take care of us. A memory from a long time ago that I have with him is that when I was little (around five years old) I’d be too scared to ride roller coasters at a theme park we like, Hershey Park, and he would stay back with me while my mom and my brother rode the roller coaster. Back then, I was really glad that he stayed back with me because I truly didn’t like roller coasters at all. That was very caring of him as well. Now, I actually really like roller coaster and my brother stays back.

Another memory I have with him is that once at school I really felt bad and went to the nurse (this was pretty recent). I threw up in the nurse’s bathroom and had to be sent home. My parents were both working and the school called them to pick me up. My dad worked far away about an hour, but he left work just to take care of me. That day, I felt the sickest I had ever been. Because I felt sick, my dad went out to buy me more medicine. When I got home, I  took medicine and slept in my bed. Some traits he has that I hope I have are hard-working, kind, and intelligence. He is such an incredible person because of all of his traits. He is an amazing dad!