A Saint Bernard (Dog Breed) named Barry had done something amazing. The amazing thing that Barry did was Saving 40 people.Barry is well known Saint around the world today. Napoleon was a person who works with him and was his owner. Barry was born in 1800. Sadly Barry has passed away in better place now. Barry died from a soldier that shot him because he had thought that Barry was a wolf. When Barry died they stuffed his body and put him in a museum. Some people called Barry Menschenretter because Menschenretter means in German people rescuer and that’s what he was. There was a legend that while rescuing Barry would also kill whatever tried to hurt him. In Paris they had put up a statue or mount to remember Barry.

  He was alive from 1800 all the way to 1814. Barry died at the age of 14 years old. When they first found out about Barry they didn’t know what breed he was then they decided to call his breed a Alpine Mastiff. When Barry died he was trying to save the 41st person that he has saved overall. Over 200 years Barry’s breed was able to rescue 2,000 people! Barry looked redish brownish with white on him and sometimes he would wear a mini barrel necklace. His breed was first and most recognized in Switzerland.

   If you do the math Barry basically died about 200 years ago. When Barry was a rescue dog he lived at a hospice. The hospice was above sea level by 2,500 metres. Barry’s group was with Napoleon and 46,000 soldiers. In 1932 they had to remake Barry’s mount because the other mount was in bad shape. Each year at the Naturhistorisches museum they celebrate Barry’s anniversary when he died. It was very sad for everyone when Barry died, and today people still remember him and honour him.


     The sites we used were  http://www.barry.museum/index_en.html




and   https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Barry_(dog)