News Article

4th grade specials  by Tatham and Trinity

   At Blue Ball Elementary School this year we have three new special teachers because the other two teachers retired. The other teacher is new because our school just added another  special. The new teachers are filling in for music, STEM, and library. The new teachers’ names are Mrs. Mccabe for STEM, our librarian’s name Mrs. Tenenbaum, and for music we have Mrs. Zimmerman. Mrs. Zimmerman does different things than what our old music teacher did Mrs. Buterball. She has a rug than the chairs that Mrs. Buterball had. Mrs. Zimmerman brought in in different instruments than Mrs. Buterball had.

   In music class we’re learning and playing xylophones, metallophones, and glockenspiels. Stem is one of our classes it’s about science. In STEM right now we are talking about circuits and electric currents.What’s new about library is that we just talk about what we are going to do and what is new and we also have new books like diary of a wimpy kid. Our new teacher in library now doesn’t read us books like our old teacher Mrs. Brown did.Gym and art didn’t change but new things popped up.In gym we have new equipment for games and stuff.In art we are starting to loom a lot in 4th grade, it’s kind of difficult at first.

    For our project we have to make our loom on the stick to weave on. For next week we told her on a piece of paper what colors of yarn we will need because last year in 3rd grade we used a lot of yarn for our bookmarks. In STEM right now we are talking about circuits and electric currents. And after each project we normally write in our science notebooks.  These are the crazy new things about our specials.



Dust Bowl 1930s

Research the Dust Bowl of the 1930’s.  Write a post on your blog about the dust bowl and how it impacted families, and the environment.

When the dust bowl happened it impacted families because three million people left their farms and half a million migrated to other states. By 1940 2.5 million people had already migrated from the regions that were affected by the dust bowl. Because of the dust bowl, lots of people wanted to do something about it. A New Jersey asphalt company thought about paving the plains. Some farmers even paid $500 to have their very own rocket thing that shoots out moisture and induces showers. Sisalkraft suggested covering farms with waterproof paper. The environment during the dust bowl was terrible the environment looked like a drought with poor land. The environment looked way worst after the dust bowl than before. That’s how it impacted families and the environment.


Trick or Treat Tradition – Week 4 blog challenge

Do you celebrate Halloween? What do you do? What are your traditions? Do you go trick-or-treating? Get dressed up? Have a bonfire? Halloween party? ( Create a post on your blog page answering the questions above.)

My family hands out candy and my brother and I go trick or treating. My aunt and grandparents come over to help us trick or treat. They have to help us because my parents and grandpa hand out candy, and my brother, aunt,  grandma , and I go trick or treating. My brother and I only dress up my aunt and grandma don’t. When my aunt was younger she dressed up too and got candy. The Halloween route for trick or treating is around the development in a circle then inside the circle up and down. Every time when we get home after the trick or treating sometime My brother and I help hand out candy. That’s what I do with my family for our Halloween tradition.


Popular food in the USA-Week 5 Blog Challenge

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Here in the USA hamburgers are popular and at most restaurants have them as a food choice. The hamburger first existed in Germany before it was in America. To put hamburgers together you get beef from German Hamburg cows, garlic, onions, salt, pepper, and the bun. Hamburgers are so popular that McDonald’s sells 75 hamburgers every second all over the world! The inventors of the hamburger is Louis Lassen, “Hamburger Charlie” Nagreen, and the Menches brothers. All these people are the inventors because all of them made their hamburger different. Louis Lassen made his hamburger different from the others with beef patties. “Hamburger Charlie” or Nagreen made his with meatballs when he was 15. And the Menches brothers made their hamburger with sausages. The websites I used are http://communitytable.parade.com/61481/toriavey/where-did-hamburgers-originate/ and http://aht.seriouseats.com/archives/2005/08/the_history_of.html