The Missing Elf by Sydni, Rayne, and Trinity

Sydni, Rayne, Trinity


             The Missing Elf

(Based on the story of elf but it is changed a little bit)

One Day a elf named “Pitch” left the north pole to look for wot lost in a town called “east earl”. He had know idea where he was at.He tried asking for help and everyone said he was weird for wearing an elf costume. And since he didn’t know what raccoons were he tried hugging it and the raccoon jumped on him and scratched him.      They thought he was from Jingles the store  because he had a elf costume on. So they just ignored Pitch, and they just walked away every time he would ask a questions.  

He thought he saw santa at jingles and he yelled “santa”! He ran up to santa and asked what he was doing here in this strange land. But he did not know it wasn’t santa claus from the north pole. The person in the Santa outfit thought he was crazy along with everybody else. Pitch then realized that it wasn’t santa and then told all the kids that. Pitch got mad because they were trying to trick the kids. So he started chasing after santa because he wasn’t the real one. But then security came and took Pitch out. It was almost Christmas so Pitch got scared.

He was scared because he didn’t want to get on the naughty list. Thinking of santa made him miss his elf friends. He surprisingly missed making and wrapping toys. HE missed everyone and everything from the North Pole because everything was so different.  He started walking around moping sadly. and he got hungry so he ate something on the ground called gum.

He thought he saw his elf friend and went through the street and bumped into a car. But then he kept going and went up to the dude, but he was not his elf friend but anyways the person was nice and helped him out and believed him. The person was named Bob and he didn’t want Pitch to walk around in a elf costume, so he gave him normal clothes. Bob even got him food and WRAPPING PAPER. Since Pitch loves sugar he always keeps syrup in his pocket.  He put syrup on his food and ate it. Bob was from the north pole and was helping him get back to the north pole.

When Pitch got home he went to see santa claus and found his wrapping paper right in front of the workshop door. And he lived happily ever after.THE END

                                                      Time for Elf! Thanks @jon_favreau !Creative Commons License Chris Kelly via Compfight


Animal Adventure

Animal Adventure by Sydni and Trinity      

   There once was a penguin and it’s name was Sam. His mom had died when he was young and he didn’t know where his brother was, so he wanted to find him. The next day Sam went swimming to find his brother Simon, but on the way he got very hungry so he got some fish to eat. It took him hours to find some because there was barely any left. It was also hard for Sam because his mom wasn’t there to teach him to fish.

    A dolphin named Daisy was also trying to find her family. When she was young killer whales tried to eat her family so they scattered. Daisy has been looking for them for a long time, but she never found or saw them since attack. Daisy often felt lonely because she never had anyone to play with. The next day Daisy set off to try to find her family.

      On the same day Daisy and Sam both set off to find their family members. When the weren’t looking forward the bumped into each other’s heads. Sam said “What are you doing.”

      Daisy answered, “ I’m looking for my family what are you doing?” “ My family and I got separated a long time ago.”

      Sam shouted, “ I’m looking for my brother his name is Simon.”

    So they started swimming together. They were going to look for Simon and then Daisy’s family,but they saw a killer whale so they scattered and when it left Sam was looking for Daisy. Daisy was in a cave way down, but they did find each other then. Then the a group of killer whales coming, so they ran together well I guess they swam instead. They found boats everywhere and they  found out that they swam the whole way to the Bahamas when Sam and Daisy was looking for them.

      First they went looking for Sam’s brother Simon. Then they both heard a sound the sound sounded like rawwwwwww. So Sam and Daisy hid behind a rock and watched what was happening. They saw a penguin just like Sam making a  rawwwwwww sound at a dolphin like Daisy. Then they came out from behind the rock and asked what was happening. Then the other penguin looked at Sam weirdly, and the penguin said that he is Sam’s uncle. But Daisy was really happy but Sam didn’t know why. The other dolphin was Daisy’s sister Sparkle Daisy was really happy. So they stayed together. So that they wouldn’t get separated.   

      “ So if you’re my uncle how come I don’t remember you at all?” asked Sam.

      “ Look Sam I need your help your brother got trapped in Kaba Cave, we need to help him.” Stated Sam’s uncle Mike.

      Once Sam heard that he darted toward Kaba Cave to save his dad. Sam stopped right in front of the cave and yelled brother. His brother yelled help,help. There was  rocks blocking him in . So he threw rocks trying to break it down for Simon to get him out. He saved his brother and he returned home to his parents.


Christmas Post

  How I’ve always celebrated Christmas was with a family party, but all of the parties weren’t the same. How I celebrated Christmas when I was young is different from now because now I have 2 more baby cousins and now my aunt and uncle aren’t here because they moved away. Also for Christmas now we always have the parties at my house, and sometimes when I was young we had it at aunt and uncle’s house or my grandparents’ house. Another different thing for Christmas is that also my new aunt comes to our Christmas parties now. And now for Christmas we play lots of Christmas themed games, and when I was young I just ate and played around with my cousins. Something else that’s different is that when I was young we always to family pictures at the party, and now sometimes we take pictures with our aunts but not altogether. 

  The thing that my family does on Christmas eve is each person can pick 1 present to unwrap. My parents pick out the present for us though. The presents that I like the most is my American girl doll look a like, Saige, Isabelle, my tablet, and everything. And before Christmas we always set up the Christmas tree and decorations. My brother and I like to put all of the ornaments on,  And something that is the same is that we have always done secret santas. Secret santas is when on Thanksgiving we write what we want on a piece of paper and who ever gets yours has to get one thing that’s on your list. On Christmas when we have the party we get our gift and we have to guess who got us. That is what I do for Christmas and Christmas eve.                                                 Scott Morris via Compfight

Almost Christmas!!!


Blog Evaluation Week 10 Blog Challenge Question 1

1. On my blog I have 15 posts that are for school, 4 posts for my interests, and 3 posts for the challenge. In all I have like 22 posts  on my blog.

2. For comments I have 15 comments for students, 3 comments from teachers, and 3 comments from overseas students.  Altogether I have 21 comments.

3. The post that has the most comments is my week 7 blog challenge. I think it received the most comments because my post had a  photo and a video. Also because it’s one of my recent posts on my blog.

4. I enjoyed writing my week 7 blog challenge ” A Very Friendly and Fascinating Creature ” because I got to write about something  I’m passionate about. And I got to pick a video and photo about dolphins.

5. I did change my blog theme because I just wanted a different theme.

6. I have 3 widgets, and I think it’s not enough. My 3 widgets are Cocoa, Global students, and Trinity’s world.

7.  I have 3  overseas students that have visited my blog.

8. The web tools I used to show creativity are Pixabay and Compfight.



Luke Howard Poem by Tate and Trinity

Luke Howard By Tate and Trinity


Luke Howard loved to study clouds because at the time people didn’t really know what the   clouds are to show so he didn’t know.


To be able to study clouds Luke got with his buddy and joined a club.


To be able to study Luke and his buddy needed money.

At the club he announced out loud to the crowd that they should name all clouds.


They brainstormed some ideas while the rain in the clouds went up in tears.


Then Luke read The Modification of Clouds ( his essay )  or The Classification of Clouds because modification was classification. Luke was very proud of the cloud names he picked, Cirrus, Cumulus, and Stratus.


Luke was proud of his clouds that didn’t make a sound.


To help predict the weather there were rhymes, like red sky at night, sailor’s delight red sky at morning, sailors take warning.


If we ran the Nation

If we ran the Nation     

                                                                     by Tate and Trinity


   If we ran the nation I would change slavery in other countries. I would do this because in the United States we stopped slavery, but in some other countries they allow it. And I think that  is totally unfair. If I ran the Nation I would also end slavery and do others. If I would end slavery I would let the people in slavery who have no homes come live in the U.S. I think this would be fair because slaves aren’t treated fairly and they aren’t free. And when slaves come to the U.S. they will have a place to stay in for a couple weeks until they are ready.  People should come into my nation because I would let the poor and the slaves come to my nation that way they could have a home and food.People would all be treated good and everyone would get healthy food and I would make sure that there would be no danger in my nation.

   Another thing I would change is that house taxes would be half of what is now, so instead of $800 it would be $400. This is a good thing because $400 is still a lot and I think $800 for house taxes is expensive. I would change the prices of houses and cars because cars are very also houses too and you have to pay all these taxes and bills so I would lower all the expensive cost. How it works is like if a house is $240,000 it would be 30% off so it would be $72,000. For cars if a house was $25,000 it would be 10% off so it would turn into $2,500. Both of these things would definitely benefit people.

    For clothing that is like $40 it would be 5% off. Since clothing over $40 is 5% off the cost would be only $2. Everything that is changed will benefit the country. Our country will be called Awesome Landia because it’s awesome.The first person that would enter our Nation would get a free 1,000 Dollar gift card and a choice of a Lambo or a Ferrari. Our nation will also be drug free ( There are no drugs allowed to be used). This would help the world because less people will get sick from drugs. If you do happen to get sick we will give you the best doctors in our nation. Awesome Landia will Benefit everyone by helping with bills and help with health.