Pathways to Success

Garden Spot High School


Manufacturing Day


Sign-Up Here

What:       Manufacturing Day is a celebration of modern manufacturing meant to inspire the next generation of manufacturers.  To celebrate, GSHS sophomores and juniors have the opportunity to tour various manufacturing businesses located in our own community.  During these tours, students will learn details about various jobs within the manufacturing industry including the job duties, education and soft skills needed to succeed in each position.

When:   October 4 (Wednesday)

Departure Time:  8:00am
Return Time:  2:15pm
Lunch will be provided by the participating businesses


1st tour:  Quality Custom Cabinetry
2nd tour:  Tyson, Savencia, Advanced Food Products

Transportation:  School Bus

Who:         Mrs. Hackman (Business Teacher) is organizing the tour and will be overseeing the students.

How:         Sign-up by here

After signing up you will receive a permission slip delivered by your homeroom teacher.  You will need to have a parent/guardian complete the permission slip and return it to Mrs. Hackman (1007) prior to the field trip.

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