Who I Nominated

Who I Nominated

I would like to Nominate Ryan’s blog for his great work and excellent writing.  He has lots of great writing for people to enjoy! It is all about Jesus. And I Believe in Jesus

Reasons why I voted for his blog:

  1.  He doesn’t go crazy with widgets like other people.  Some people have so many widgets all their blog is is widgets.
  1. He has lots of stories he doesn’t have 1 or 2 pieces of writing.  A lot of blogs don’t have many pieces of writing so people don’t visit their blog.
  1. He doesn’t have a lot of mistakes he might have a little mistakes but not many.   

Here is the rank for each of the 6 traits of writing for his blog  Here is the URL http://ryancastellobible.edublogs.org/ come and visit it.

4 3 2 1 0

Ideas There is 1 clear well-focused topic. Main Idea stands out and is supported by detailed info. Main Idea is clear but the supporting info is general Main idea is somewhat clear but there is a need for more supporting info The main idea is not clear but there is a seemingly random collection of information Ideas do not answer question
Sentence Fluency

All sentences sound natural and are easy-on-the-

Ear when read aloud Each sentence is clear and obvious emphasis

Almost all sentences sound natural and are easy-on-the-

Ear when read aloud but 1 or 2 are awkward or difficult to understand

Most sentences sound natural and are easy- on-the-ear when read aloud, but several are awkward or difficult to understand The sentences are difficult to read aloud because they sound awkward, are distractingly repetitive, or difficult to understand. First Draft Quality
Word choice 4 (or more) strong descriptive words used correctly At least 3 strong descriptive words used correctly At least 2 strong descriptive words used correctly At least 1 strong descriptive word used correctly Missing strong descriptive words or not used correctly
Conventions No Errors spelling, grammar, punctuation, caps, and paragraphs Very few errors: spelling, grammar, Punctuation, caps and Paragraph Some errors spelling, grammar, Punctuation, caps, and paragraphs

Many errors

Spelling, grammar, Punctuation, caps and paragraph.

Rough Draft quality
organization Main idea 4 supporting details Conclusion Main idea, 3 supporting details Main idea, 2 supporting details Main Idea 1 supporting detail Missing Main Idea and/or Supporting Detail
Voice Very strong convincing Writer’s voice heard, Passion, Wit, humor, unique Strong, Convincing writer’s voice heard, Passion, Wit, Humor, unique Is Convincing Writer’s voice,  heard, Passion, Wit, Humor, unique Mildly Convincing Writer’s voice heard, Passion, Wit, Humor, unique Rough Draft quality

Ideas: 3  Sentence Fluency:4 Word Choice: 3 Conventions: 4 Organization: 3 Voice: 3 Total:20

This is why I voted for Ryan’s blog.

2 Thoughts.

  1. Hi Ryder I like your writing but you had a error on the first reason why his blog was the best, *cough cough (Opinion) cough* I like how you added the six traits of writing, I wonder why you did add the six traits of writing, Come check out my blog at http://blog.elanco.org/usner407/
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