

On April 14th 1912,  Some people were on the first deck of  the Titanic.   The second deck and the third deck were full of families.  The names of 3 children I met were  Annie Ann, Marie Ann and the only son who was named Jake,all very  happy.  The next day  at 11:40 the titanic was starting to sink. Water started  coming in after the ship hit the iceberg.   The rescue  boats saved us and we were taken to another boat They were reunited with their families.  On the rescue boat they gave a towel after they got to After New York they found a house and lived in the house forever and The next day Jake  got sick.  Then he felt better later  they were happy every day and celebrated every day.that i survived the titanic.


The end

By Ella Millisock

3 thoughts on “Titanic

  1. I like how you gave information about the titanic and how you make seem so easy to picture that i am in there with the kids and right beside you.

    I wish that you could describe the kids more better and the family so I know moe about them.

    I wonder if you live with the family or if you got your own house.

  2. I enjoyed that there were families on the titanic.
    I wish you added what time of day it was when you said 11:40.
    I wonder who you were in your story and if you were there?

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