
I read “In Cold Blood” by Arthur Miller and I thought it was a very good read. Although the ending was kind of slow, it was worth it as Miller did a great job of setting the plot. He was very descriptive when it came to both the appearances of the characters and town, but…

3/3/2023 Post

On Thursday 3/2/2023 we had discussed some of the statements on the Anticipation Guide for The Crucible. One we discussed was “Withholding the truth is the same thing as telling a lie”. Personally, I strongly disagree with the statement as they are not the same thing. Yes, you can lie to do it to protect someone…


I think the Socratic Seminar was very interesting and that we were able to share a lot of ideas and opinions on controversial topics. Specifically, I feel that we have rather strong viewpoints on Social Media and how that affects conformity vs individuality, especially in the younger kids. Personally, I think that kids should not…


https://www.nd.edu/stories//shattering-the-silence/ The article “Shattering the Silence” tells the story of twin illegal immigrants from Mexico and the journey they went on growing up as illegal immigrants. Brizzia and Maria Munoz Robles are twin sisters from Mexico, who grew up in Nevada from the age of 5, graduated as valedictorians of their high school, and attended…


My book is “In Cold Blood” by Truman Capote. The book is about how four family members were brutally murdered and with no apparent motive. Capote reconstructs the murder and the investigation that led to the capture, trial, and execution of the killers. This book captured my attention as he goes into the process of…


I chose to answer the prompt “How do our own stories shape who we are?”. My answer to that is this: our stories have a huge effect on who we are. The stories we grow up with affect our view on the world and the people in it, along with how we act. They often…

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