5/19/23 week 17

https://www.bls.gov/opub/mlr/2022/article/us-labor-market-shows-improvement-in-2021-but-the-covid-19-pandemic-continues-to-weigh-on-the-economy.htm This article was about unemployment rates and the recovery path following the year after the COVID pandemic when almost everything was shut down (2020). In my opinion, we have made up some ground when it comes to recovering in the labor field, although there are differences when it comes to race. What would have…

5/12/23 – week 16

I chose to read “Three Dark Crowns” by Kendare Blake. The book is part of a series and was an amazing read. What I loved most was how it was told from multiple perspectives so you got to experience the plot from multiple points of view which made for a more in-depth story. I will…

5/5/23 – week 15

What is good about our society today? Something that I think is good about our society today is how connected everyone is. Social media has enabled us to contact people all around the world and spread ideas and news. Similarly, and personally the best part of it, is the spreading and blending of cultures. This…

4/28/23 – week 14

Should children still obey their parents? I think that children should still obey their parents until they are able to move out and make decisions on their own. Even then, as an adult, I think that if your parents would tell you to do something, or ask for your help, you should try to complete…

4/21/2023 Week 13

https://www.liferesetinternational.org/post/is-the-american-dream-attainable-in-contemporary-society This article was about whether or not the “american dream” is still alive today. The author feels that it is no longer achievable due to racism, socioeconomic inequalities, and a lack of acceptance of various opinions. I agree with this as the violence towards other races seems to have increased recently. Also, with immigration…


I chose “Three Dark Crowns” by Kendare Blake. The book is a Fantasy/Fiction novel that is told from multiple perspectives. So far, I love the book. It is a great read and is very interesting. The author uses lots of imagery and similes to convey the setting and help the reader picture the scene. I…


The prompt this week was how much can we control the person we grow up to be. We can control many things in our lives such as what we choose to involve ourselves in, who we hang out with, and what we watch, read, and listen too. However, we also have to account for the…

3/24/23 – novel projects

This week’s post was to creatively represent our novels. I chose to do 3 promotional items (a persuasive paragraph, poster, and instagram reel/video) for my novel In Cold Blood. I hope you enjoy it! https://www.canva.com/design/DAFeE2aM2Mk/GQigm6d3UFUaVIGXXbsYKQ/watch?utm_content=DAFeE2aM2Mk&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link&utm_source=publishsharelink link for the reel/video above <- poster https://docs.google.com/document/d/1n25F6ZE2-FaoPf2t4pQLBTzs70hkkBg2OZWp3rzh_3M/edit?usp=sharing link for persuasive paragraph above


https://medium.com/@gozdeberk1/the-linkage-between-social-psychology-and-social-media-use-ea8aea7371ab This article was about the science and psychology behind social media and how it affects our lives. One of the biggest is how it increases conformity. Conformity is the desire to belong to a group of people and often leads us to project the most positive parts of ourselves or change ourselves to fit…

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