How can drama help you better understand the feelings and viewpoints of characters?

Hanna- Bold

Allison- Italicized


       It can help me tell they’re feeling and viewpoints by how they acted in that situation. Like for example if they yelled a lot then they probably yell a lot outside that situation. Another thing that can help me talk in different voices of what the characters are like. Drama is like a problem and in every book I read before there is a problem. If you can tell the the characters feelings and viewpoints then this will be easy for you.


Another thing is you can tell how they act outside of the situation. In some of the books that I read there is usually always a problem, and in that problem there is usually always drama. Sometimes in books there is only drama so you can’t always tell how the characters in the book react to certain things or just how they act in general. Usually books aren’t just drama upon drama upon drama, there is usually something else that is in the book not just drama. Drama can really help you understand the problem(s) in every book because it is basically a problem.


Once you do any of these things you will be able to know the feelings and viewpoints of the characters. If these all don’t work for you then try to come up with something on the drama that you are reading. If you don’t have any drama that you are reading you can always do this in any book. Most likely there will drama in any book because if there wasn’t  any the book would be boring. Have fun reading drama and using you drama reading skills.

3/7/16 Free write

Did you know that on March 7, 1933 the game Monopoly was created?If  I could design my own version of Monopoly I would make it bigger. I would do this because you could buy more property’s so you could get more money. Another thing I would change is the game could go quicker. Usually the game takes 4 hours but with my design it will only take 1 hour at the most. My last thing I would change is there would be more characters to choose from. What changes would you make? Do you like playing Monopoly ? Have fun playing Monopoly!Monopoly TheJokersTrick via Compfight

Georgina’s Favorite Memory

I am going to tell you about Georgina’s favorite memory. Her favorite memory is when she got here first sewing machine. Before she got her own sewing machine she used her grandma’s sewing machine. She got the sewing machine because her dad thought she was old enough to have her own.


It was a regular day at school but once Georgina got home there would be a surprise waiting for her. Once she got home there a medium sized box on the dining room table. I quickly ran into the dining room and started ripping it apart. Once I got opened I said “thank you” to my Dad. She opened the box and saw the receipt it was $22.85 from amazon. she got it on a Friday in February.


Then, I walked up the stairs to set up my sewing room. The sewing is a little room off of my room. I laided out my fabric and started sewing. I started makeing a video of my first stitches on my new sewing machine. I was so excited when I got my sewing machine. Georgina still uses her sewing machine today!