Looking Back: Mr. Geiman Challenge

My teacher made a few questions for this post to reflect our year. Questions: What did you learn about yourself this year? What areas did you grow in this year? What areas do you need to continue to grow in? What are your strengths? What are your weaknesses? What your favorite class and why? Explain how you felt about blogging in the beginning and how you feel about it now. What do you want to do better for next year? Which post/ story do you feel is your best? Explain why.

.. This year has been a great year, and I’ve learned a lot about myself. I learned that I am a horsedolphin. To explain what a horsedolphin is my friends and I are making a story (it’s not finished). This year I grew in writing, and I have compared my first few posts to my posts now. Areas I need to improve on is in blogging is finishing challenges quicker. I also need to improve on organization not only for my blog, but in real life too. My strength is that whenever we need to get to work I normally get to work right away because I take pretty long to get things done. (like I mentioned before). My weakness is that I’m terrible at science and social studies. Another weakness of mine is that I can get off task easily with my friends. For example, when we talk we always make each other laugh that’s how I normally get off task. My favorite class is Reading class. I like reading class the most because in reading we get to blog. Also in reading my teacher is really funny. In the beginning when my teacher said that we were blogging I was actually unsure of doing it, but now I love blogging and now my class has really improved in it. Next year I hope to be able to finish challenges quicker. The post that I think is the best is “❄2016 Blizzard⛄”. I think this because that post was the one with the most comments. Also because for this post I got to explain my experience, and when I do posts like these, these are easier to do than researching.


Week 10 Blog Challenge: Evaluate the Blog Challenge #16STUBC

Evaluation: The most interesting challenge for me was “My Avatar”. This was the most interesting challenge for me because then we got to go to actually make a little digital mini you. And because I liked it so much I made another one in my free time. (My new avatar and old avatar is down below)  Doing this I got to experiment with both of the sites I used. The sites I used were Chibi and Pocoyise. Which Avatar do you like the most? Normally I visit and comment on other people’s blogs 5-9 times a week. I don’t look at the flipboard magazine, but I can see it when Mr. Geiman posts it on his blog. Visit his blog here. A plus is that the Blogging Challenge lets  you get to know people from around the world. Another plus is that you can share your stories with other people, and when you write you get better at writing. A minus is that some challenges are repeated every year and doing it again is very boring. A interesting point is when we have “Game Time” and our activity is to visit. That’s how I feel about the Student Blogging Challenge.

pocoyize                                                                   ChibiMaker

Today, I’m evaluating Ella’s Blog. My first impressions on Ella’s blog was that she was already way better than me (she had many posts,comments, and her blog was well organized). On her blog many of her posts are informative, but also very humorous. When she started she picked a cool fish background and that made her blog very neat because she showed me that when you move down the little fish in the background move. The things that captured my attention on her blog was her blog theme and her site ID (hers is “Where creativity begins”). Another thing that captured my attention was her “What about my Future?? Week 9 #16STUBC” post because she comes up with catchy titles. Something that distracted me on her blog was of course her virtual pets Fuzzy and Banana because be honest who doesn’t like playing with the virtual pets on someone’s blog. The only thing I would suggest to improve her blog is to not only have Mr. Geiman’s blog, but to have the other classes we follow like Mrs. Fordyce’s class. ~Trinity


Week 10 Blog Challenge Evaluate a Blog #16STUBC


Do Children watch too Much TV?

…….. Do Children watch too Much TV?

…………………………………………… By Trinity 

.. In my opinion I don’t think that children watch too much TV. I think that children don’t watch too much because nowadays children have all these other electronics. For example, kids have all these phones, tablets, etc. Most kids hardly watch TV. They especially don’t watch TV because once you get a phone or device you’re glued to it. And if one of your friends also have an electronic device you always text them or play a game with them. In my observations at my house my brother and his friends are always calling, texting, and face timing each other. And when my brother and I watch TV we hardly even pay attention to the TV, so we just turn it off. And if he does it other kids probably do the same thing.

.. Even kids in first grade or in preschool don’t watch a lot. Most of them already know of phones and other devices because our generation came in and phones were already very popular and so we got them. I also don’t think that parents should or need to restrict the amount of hours that children watch. I don’t think that they should because like I said kids hardly watch any TV. And part of this is because it starts to become boring watching the same shows over and over again. On TV they play an episode of a show in the morning or around noon and then they play they replay the same show in the afternoon. And because not everyone has “On Demand” they have to watch the same shows. And when they replay an episode most kids just turn it off (like me).

.. In case you didn’t know what what “On Demand” is it’s a TV system where you can watch any episode that’s not playing at the time instead of watching the shows again. Except not all the shows and episodes you want to watch are free. I disagree with the teachers and educational experts mostly because even parents probably watch more TV than children. I believe this because most dads are huge NFL and NBA fans and always watch the games especially when it’s the Superbowl. And the Superbowl is like two hours or more, which is a lot of TV. And because they don’t want to miss any part of it they start watching it early which is even more TV. There is also a lot more shows parents like, like Chicago Fire, Chicago P.D, etc. That’s why I don’t think that children watch too much TV.


Legend: Superheroes Part 2

 Superheroes Part 2    By: Ella ( http://blog.elanco.org/wilsona9d/ ) and Trinity

.. If you read the first part of superheroes, you would know that the characters are Claire, Ocean, Elaina, and Starfire.  In the last one, they came upon Claire (the villain) and they trained so they could defeat her. So they did that and defeated her (or so they thought they did). This is the beginning of Superheroes part two. That night when they “defeated” Claire they celebrated. To celebrate they went out to eat at a restaurant called Freddy’s. This was no ordinary restaurant though, it was a secret superhero restaurant. People that have superpowers can go there.

.. While at the restaurant they all ordered their food and dessert too. The waitress said that the dessert came with a free superhero training. They thought it was a deal and ordered it. Then after they were finished the waitress took them to the back room, where the training was. They were excited at first but when they saw the instructors face they freaked out. IT WAS CLAIRE! They had thought she was dead the whole time. Claire freaked out right away too, and told us she was assigned this job because when they defeated her, she became a ghost and now has all the powers in the world. They knew she was out to destroy them. They asked her how she got in because it was a superhero’s only restaurant, she said she is a ghost and she can go through walls. She threatened the manager that if he didn’t hire her, he would have to be like her, a ghost.

.. The manager (Freddy) didn’t want to become a ghost so he just hired her. He knew that it would be dangerous to have her there, but he didn’t want become like her. Then Ocean, Elaina, and Starfire went right to the manager to tell him about it. Except they couldn’t because Claire pulled them all back with her force. Claire explained to them why they couldn’t tell any other superheroes who she was or else they’d all become like her. This was a hard decision for them. After their training they went home to talk about that day. Ocean and Elaina wanted to tell the other superheroes about Claire, but Starfire didn’t want to because it would take their lives. Later on they all got a text from a unknown number that said, I’m watching you. So then they secretly called the leader of the organization and told them everything. The organization had been tracking Claire for many years and this was their opportunity to capture her. The organization’s plan was to use all the superheroes to capture her.

.. So they started planning the journey. Elaina suggested that they work quickly so that Claire doesn’t find out their plan. The organisation agreed. So they got to work. The organisation said that Claire’s one weakness was water. They knew that ocean can deal with that. They also said that to be captured, she has to be touching water, because when she does, she faints. But only for a little bit so they had to work fast. They made their plan and set out to find Claire. That was when the organisation chipped in. They had been tracking her and knew exactly where she was all the time. They had put a tracking device on her. They had not checked it in a while, and when they went to look at it, it said it was disabled. They knew it had to be because she turned into a ghost and everything goes through her now. They had to find a new way to find her. Ocean said that she is probably still in Freddy’s teaching classes. They went there.

.. When they reached Freddy’s the people to walk in first were Ocean, Elaina, and Starfire. In this mission Ocean was very important. Claire sensed something weird though because she knew that they knew that she was trying to destroy them, and they came back for another class. Right away Claire brought them to the back room and looked around to see if anyone followed them. Then, Claire realized a bunch of people (superheroes) outside. At that moment Ocean used her powers and kept shooting water at Claire, and she fainted. That was the organization’s  plan. Then the organization came in and got her with an unbreakable net. While they were picking her up in the net, she shot Ocean with all of her might, and turned her into a ghost. Ocean first fell down then she came back as a ghost. Elaina and Starfire were very emotional at this point. They couldn’t go to school with her, play with her, or do anything that requires touch. They could be hitting her and they would not know. They lived happily ever after (just kidding).


Week 9 Blog Challenge: My Future



……………………………………… Violin 

.. Right now I play a violin in elementary orchestra and I hope to continue playing it. And because I want to get better and better all the way through high school or middle school I would want violin lessons. And if I really get good I could go professional. And maybe if I’m adventurous I would try playing the violin as a fiddle. In case you weren’t sure how I would do that a violin and a fiddle don’t look at all different the difference is the type of music they play. Right now I already have a 3/4 violin almost a full size, and when I need a bigger one than a full size I’d have to go to a viola (violin’s cousin). A viola is a larger violin. And I’ll probably not have to go to a cello because violas are already pretty big. What instrument would you like to play?

…………………………………. Volunteering

.. I also would like to volunteer to help dolphins. I would like to do this mostly because dolphins are my favorite animal. I also would like to volunteer  for other animals like seals, sea lions, turtles, etc. I don’t really know if I’d want to help train the animals or just wash and take care of them, but I just want to work with them. This I would just be doing because I really want to do it and I don’t care about the money. Maybe I would volunteer at an aquarium. And if I still live around Pennsylvania I could volunteer at the Baltimore Aquarium. I’ve once been there and my opinion was that the dolphins were very friendly and interesting with all of their tricks and flips.

…………………………………….. My Job 

.. When I’m older I want to be a doctor. I would like to do this to help people. And my parents want me to be higher than them in my degree (bachelor, doctor, etc). The kind of doctor I’m leaning towards is a pediatrician. A pediatrician is a kid’s doctor. I like this because a pediatrician helps kids. A backup job after a pediatrician for me would probably be a marine biologist and I’d stop the volunteer work because then I could work with sea animals. To be a pediatrician I would at least have to go through 11 years of collage! I’d have to do 4 years of collage, 4 years of medical school, and 3 years of general pediatric training. And for a marine biologist you have to go through 7-13 years of collage. That’s 4 years of collage for a bachelor degree, 6 years for my PhD, and 3 years to complete my education. I would like to go to Princeton for collage. I would because I don’t want to be that far away from home (It’s about 1 hour). Except I don’t know if I’d be excepted because it’s and IV league school.



The Big Read : The Lemonade War

…………………………….. . The Big Read: The Lemonade War


.. This year my school is doing “The Big Read”. The Big Read is when your school receives books for the whole school to read, and then after reading chapters you answer questions. Our school has “The Lemonade War” this year. Since this is a chapter book it’s hard to read for kindergartners and 1st graders they have teachers reading the story and they recorded it for them to listen to it instead. Or if you don’t have enough time to read it you can listen to it too. In my opinion this book isn’t the best in the whole wide world, but it’s not a bad book. I would still recommend this book to 4th and 3rd graders because this chapter book isn’t too hard or easy to read. I would also recommend it because it shows how siblings fight and how they can stop it. The book is about two siblings who have a contest with lemonade stands because in the beginning the older sibling Evan tells his sister Jessie that she can’t keep up with 4th graders.

.. Evan and Jessie got along well, but Evan was mad that since there weren’t enough 2nd graders Jessie would be in 4th grade with him. Since Evan didn’t want to do the lemonade stand with Jessie this year he instead did it with a 4th grader Scott. And because Jessie wanted to prove to Evan that she could keep up with 4th graders she decided to do a lemonade stand with Megan because she was just three blocks down and was a 4th grader. Because they were both doing lemonade stands they made a bet. The bet was that by the time summer ended they would both count their money and whoever got the most money got the other person’s earnings. They both battle it out with their lemonade stands to see who gets the most money. I didn’t finish the book, but to find out who wins you should read the book.

.. Some schools might not do this, but at my school we have 5th and 6th graders selling lemonade to us at lunch to see who wins. And because there’s not a bunch of room for both stands one week is for 6th grade and the other week is for 5th grade. And because my brother is in 6th grade I obviously want him to win. In our school both grades have been putting up posters to persuade us to buy their lemonade. Some people are arguing that their lemonade is better, but its the same lemonade, and it’s for the same cause so it doesn’t really matter. The money raised goes to Alexis Lemonade Stand and the money goes to kids that are suffering from cancer. The goal that our school has set is $2,000 , and each cup is 25 cents so all you need is a quarter.


Legend: Superheroes

………………………………………. Superheros

by: Sydni, Ella,  and Trinity

kk One day there were three ordinary people. One named Star another Ocean and the other one Elaina. They all were ordinary until one day. Star’s story started at a campsite. One day, Star and her family went camping. Like always they had a campfire and roasted marshmallows and made s’mores. This time Star was in charge of the campfire, and she had never done it before. While her dad, mom, and brother went to get more firewood she started it. And it didn’t go that well, she burnt her hand. Because of that right when her family got back they drove to the doctors. They said it was fine, but Star didn’t think it was. While drying her hands on a towel she put it on fire. And she didn’t even try doing it. Her power from now on was controlling and shooting power.That day her whole life was changed. Even her name is changed, now her name is Starfire.

.. Elaina’s story started when her mother told her she was bionic. She immediately freaked out of course. Who wouldn’t? She asked her mom why she hadn’t told her this before. She said she didn’t want her to use them, they can be very dangerous. She said she didn’t want me as a baby to shoot lasers out of my eyes. “ I can do that!” said Elaina. But unlike other superheroes, she had a normal name and a normal family and no one else in her family was bionic.  Also she looked normal. She didn’t have any gear or any other special things. She was just a normal person who happened to have some superpowers. Her mom also told her that she had super strength, super speed, and some others she doesn’t know about yet.

.. One day Ocean went to the beach with her family. She decided to go in the sea and she saw a hurt dolphin. So she swam out as fast as she could. When she got to the dolphin he wasn’t with his pod. She screamed trying to get someone’s attention so that they could help her with the dolphin but no one heard her. She swam back  and got a person that helps hurt animals and told her that a dolphin was in the ocean and it needed help.When the dolphin got better the dolphin told her that she could control water and is the queen of the ocean. She was so shocked that she told her family but they didn’t believe her so she  made the ocean have a big wave. And suddenly they believe her. That is how she got her powers.

.. All of these girls are very unique and different in their own way. And that’s also why they work very well we each other. When they met each other it was a big coincidence because they all went to the mall at the same time and the same day. It happened when their moms told them each to stay outside of the store and wait for them. While waiting all the girls were texting, and because they weren’t paying attention they bumped into each other.Then all of their phones flew. Elaina couldn’t take losing her phone and tried to save it but she was to far away to save it. She really wanted to and suddenly it started floating. She knew that had to be a superpower. She had to be quick and use it though because she didn’t want anyone to see. Especially the people that had just bumped into her. Suddenly she realized it wasn’t her doing that, she turned around and someone in a black hoody was levitating the phone toward her. She said her name was Claire.

.. Claire walked up to them and asked ,“  What are you doing here, leave or else! All of them just ran to their mom and said “let’s go right now”. But they weren’t quick enough so Claire locked them in the store. The store was called Claire’s. Claire had all the powers in the world.  They had to stay in their until the police came to get them out. When they finally got out they all went home because they were scared of Claire. But after talking for so long they figured out that they all had super powers and should get together sometime to practice using them. They decided to have a sleepover and practice. They had no idea what happened to Claire though. They had the sleepover at Elaina’s house. And while they practiced their powers they had to be cautious because Elaina had three younger siblings. Her siblings were Ellie, Eva, and Emma. They were all five years old because they were triplets. And her siblings didn’t know that Star and Ocean had powers. They had the sleepover without the triplets knowing and practiced. The next day they defeated Claire.   TO BE CONTINUED……..