Solar System Songs

We are learning the planets (in order from the sun).  Here are some songs to sing about the planets.

The Planet Song (tune: The Ants Go Marching)

The planets revolve around the sun.

Hoorah, hoorah!

The planets revolve around the sun.

Hoorah, hoorah!

The planets revolve around the sun,

Spin on their axis every one.

And they all go spinning,

Around and around they go!

Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars,

Hoorah, hoorah!

Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars,

Hoorah, hoorah!

Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars,

All whirling and twirling around their star.

And they all go spinning,

Around and around they go.

Jupiter, Saturn are really great!

Hoorah, hoorah!

Jupiter, Saturn are really great!

Hoorah, hoorah!

Jupiter, Saturn are really great.

Uranus and Neptune will make eight.

And they all go spinning.

Around and around they go.


The Family of the Sun (tune: Farmer in the Dell)

The family of the sun, the family of the sun,

Eight planets all in all, the family of the sun.

Mercury is hot, and Mercury is small.

Mercury has no atmosphere, it’s just a rocky ball.

Venus has thick clouds, that hide what is below.

The air is foul, the ground is hot, it rotates very slow.

We love the Earth, our home; its oceans and its trees.

We eat its food, we breathe its air, so no pollution please.

Mars is very red.  It’s also dry and cold.

Someday you might visit Mars if you are really bold.

Great Jupiter is big.  We’ve studied it a lot.

We found that it has 16 moons, and a big red spot.

Saturn has great rings. We wondered what they were.

Now we know they’re icy rocks which we saw as a blur.

Uranus is faint, and Neptune’s light is weak.

But soon enough the Voyager will give us all a peek.


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