Planet Utopia

Utopia, a planet appearing to be as perfect as can be – its solid, warm surface with just enough wind and heat coming from above, ambient surroundings full of colorful wildlife and habitats, such as neon-green lizards and golden skylights lighting up magenta monopolies.  Every kind of business imaginable – deemed huge or small – are constantly booming with success, created entirely with the establishing of well-thought-out plans of new technology, such as incredibly-fast hovercrafts, high-tech holograms, and life-sized robots equipped with accurate emotions and the ability to accomplish everyday tasks, such as mowing several acres of land and running out to the store to buy a laundry list of supplies.  There is a slight, sweet smell to the air that catches the attention of anyone with a keen sense of their surroundings, and the clouds are bubblegum pink and sky blue, mistaken for soaring puffs of cotton candy.  Touching the edges of benches and buildings, it appears that everything is spotless and smooth as glass.  The environment around is eerily quiet, so that a feeling of peace is passed to its inhabitants.  Humans are over-joyed with their new planet, ecstatic about living on one that has enough resources to last hundreds of thousands of years.  There is no worry for food, either, as there are tons of grocery stores with large shipments of fresh fruit, steaming vegetables, and mouthwatering desserts.  Endless, evergreen forests and wild jungles are out in the distance, filled to the brim with families of giant tigers and rainbow toucans.  Nothing quite meets the potential of this nearly-impossible way of living, and Utopia will continue to prosper for eons.

~ Heather Dillman

4 thoughts on “Planet Utopia

  1. Your specific details are abundant and vivid…the overall mood is appropriate to such a perfect place.
    It seems like the intro to a story that will unfold not so perfectly…despite your last sentence.

    nice work’

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