Eagle Camera

An eagle has been spotted in Kindergarten!!

We have been watching the Hanover, PA camera and checking-in periodically on this amazing bird!  The kids have been so interested, that I just put together journals to document what we see!  Here is the link if you or your child want to watch at home!


I checked in today (on our snow day) and there appears to be no snow in Hanover, but what a treat:  Mom and Dad were both present and here is a screenshot of them and both eggs!

ST math, Jiji

We have been learning the “ins and outs” of the ST math program.  The kids have learned that we can’t “break” the Jiji game by “trying”, so they shouldn’t be frustrated or upset about trying and getting a puzzle wrong!  Just try again!

Today was pretty exciting.  Eager and encouraging 6th graders gave up their own recess and class time to help us log into our computers and then ST math.  We had so much fun trying the puzzles on our own!

Tomorrow the kids will bring home a parent letter and login (usernames and passwords) for HOME PLAY!


WE LOVE OUR 6th GRADERS!  Thanks a million!

100 Days Smarter!

The 100th day is a time to celebrate!  Both classes started out the day by singing to 100 with Mrs. Peter’s class.  Next, we read a 100 day book.  After that we put our 100 day collections on the carpet.  I read the clues and the kids guessed which collection matched the clues.   It was fun!  After that we strung 100 fruit loops on a necklace divided by 10’s for easy counting.  This was really fun, but also good fine motor AND counting practice.



Thank you for taking some extra pictures Mrs. Marburger AND for the oreo’s to show the # 100



The PM class


  First friend done!

Dental Lessons

Both AM and PM Kindergartners enjoyed learning about teeth!  In class we read a few non-fiction books about teeth and now will enjoy a few fictional books.  In addition, we had a visit from a local dentist office.    We saw a short video about brushing, learned about good and bad foods for our teeth, and then practiced brushing!          Look how much sugar is in some of our favorite drinks!