Makerspace Book Project

For my book project I chose to create a makerspace button. The symbol on the buttone is a raft, and the words are a little difficult to see from the picture, but they say, “Because I’m not alone… maybe I never was.” The main character, Robie, was in a plane crash that left her and the co-piolet, Max,  stuck on a small raft in the middle of the ocean. Max wasn’t much of a talker, and he was mostly very sick. Robie was forced to do most things by herself, and she wasn’t very great at surviving alone. She had trouble finding water and food, and by the end of the book she was starving and severely dehydrated. During Robie’s time on the raft, there was a large leak that was bringing on lots of water. She was forced to push “sleeping” Max off the raft, but made sure he was still floating. A little later after that, Robie loses sight of him and cannot find him anywhere. Robie then finds and island where Max somehow appears. Robie gets rescued by a ship and learns that Max was basically a figment of her imagination. Robie remembers when she pushed Max off the raft and realizes that at the point he was dead. He did save her after the planewreck, but after that he didn’t last long. Robie finds his necklace that had his fingerprint in it of him and his girlfriends from a bag the washed up on shore. She cherishes that necklace forever, which leads her to the quote on the button that says, ” Because I’m not alone… maybe I never was.” Robie knows that Max will always be looking out for her even if he isn’t there, and now she has something to remember him by. All of that time on the raft when she was alone, she still had Max…well… in her mind.

Tiger Loose in Houston? (News Discussion)

On Mother’s day, a nine month old tiger was found roaming around a neighborhood in Houston. After it was seen some people report seeing it get put into a white van by an unknown man. The “Tiger King”star Carol Baskin has set a $5,000 reward to whoever finds the ferocious feline. A few days later the tiger’s owner (Victor Hugo Cuevas) was found, but said he didn’t know where the tiger was now! Carol Baskin stated, “‘I think somebody definitely knows [where he is], and so just a few minutes ago, I actually put out a $5,000 reward for anyone who will turn this cat over to … a sanctuary that is accredited by the Global Federation of Sanctuaries.” Carol also wants to make sure it is clear that they aren’t just going to give the money to someone who wants to just get rid of the cat, but who will work with law enforcement and put an end to this. Police made sure to check Cuevas home to make sure he isn’t harboring anymore wild animals. They didn’t find any more animals, but they did find a large tiger cage in the backyard. Police believe that the tiger hopped the fence to get out. As of now, the tiger still hasn’t been found, but police are still doing all they can to find the tiger.

Tiger found in Houston roaming neighborhood in Highway 6 and Memorial area - ABC7 Chicago

Why do you think Cuevas was keeping the tiger?

Do you think they will find the tiger?

How do you think the tiger escaped?

The Raft- My Thoughts

For my independent reading book I chose the book The Raft. The story is about a girl that gets into a plane crash and she is forced to survive on a small raft in the ocean. I think the book was pretty good. There were a lot of intersting twists and turns, and at the end there was a big reveal of something I didn’t excpect. The only thing I didn’t really enjoy about this book were parts of the story that didn’t really make sense. The whole beginning of the story was basically irrelavant and really didn’t nessasarily need to be in the story. I also didn’t understand what was happening in some parts. Other than that, I think the book was great! I really love the author S.A Bodeen who wrote this book and many other books that I like Compound and Fallout.

For my book project I chose to do a button from Makerspace. I have already submitted a design and I am waiting to actually make it!


The Raft by S.A. Bodeen