Be Brave, Be Strong, Be You

“It is much easier to be brave if you do not know everything.”

The quote means if you don’t know something and your are trying to be brave then go through with it. Don’t be scared no one will laugh because they may not know the answer either. A time in you life when you might know everything, but you are still brave is when one of your family members may be in the hospital and was just brought there that day you just have to be brave and if you don’t know what will happen just keep going don’t let that get you down. I think it is a good quote to live by because you can think of that quote when you are going through hard times and know you will get through it.

Too Much Waste

A trash can full of garbage.


Tell me how you feel about this child’s idea.  Give her some feedback on her ideas, sharing positives and questions you may have.


I think that it is a good thing. I will tell you why. I think it is good because it helps with the millions of people going hungry around the world. And it really helps out with the global goals. Which will make many different  people happy! So that is why I like it. 🙂




5 Years From Now

 Q:Five years from now I will be….  What will you be like five years from now?  Will it be your first year of college?  Will you be working?  What was high school like?

     A:Hmm, where will I be in 5 years? I know I would most definitely be around my second to last year in high school. I would be looking at colleges. And will hopefully find a good college. I hope I will still be funny, creative, smart, kind, and a good friend. I want to still have all my friends from now. I will be driving because I would be 16. Hooray.I want to have a good job by then. And to make a lot of money. And I really want to have my own house. And I want to have two cats then too. Those things are where I think I will be in, in 5 years. Bye bye.