TDA#3 Horned Toad Prince

Commence means to begin or start.  In many schools, recess commences after lunch.  Why did Reba Jo commence to crying?

Reba Jo commenced to crying because her hat fell off and she was sad because that was her new hat.Then it fell into well and floated down,down,down until it fell to the bottom of the well. I found my information on page 120.

TDA #2 The Horned Prince

Answer the question below on your own blog.  Make sure you use your book to answer the question using details from the story.

Why did Reba Jo know she should turn back but didn’t?

Reba Jo knew she should turn back but didn’t because,right at the edge of the gully she saw a vulture,all fat and even sassy,sitting on the top of a old fence.

TDA#1 Horned Toad Prince

Answer the question below on your own blog.  Make sure you use your book to answer the question using details from the story.

How did Reba Jo entertain herself on the lonesome prairie?


Reba Jo entertained herself by, racing on her horse and tumbleweed cartwheels on her daddy’s land and her favorite of all was roping.She roped cacti,water buckets,fence posts, and any very unlucky animal in her daddy’s land.