Monthly Archives: November 2016

Thanksgiving Padlet!

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A Day In Fourth Grade!

Quality Bus Service #707aCreative Commons License ThoseGuys119 via Compfight

I get to school on a bus.  I sit with my friend Kayla.  I get on the bus at 8:30 A.M.  When I get to school we go to our homeroom till 9:10.  Then we switch to reading.  In reading we do either we do kidbiz or work on our blog.  Kidbiz is this computer website that gives us an article to read then we would answer questions about the article.  They also give you a math question and a thought threw question were you have to type your answer.  Then after we’re done with kidbiz or our blogs.

Next,  We go to our stations we have three stations.  Collaboration, Independent and Direct.  Collaboration is when we work on our writing pieces for the week.  Independent is when we work on our classwork,  homework, videos were supposed to watch when  we’re done with all those we work on the student blog challenge.  Direct is when we go to the teacher and he will tell you want you are supposed to do like read a level reader or work on the student blog challenge.  After we’re done with all the stations we have a little bit of time left then we get ready to go out into the hallway to go back into our homeroom.


Vancouver Public Library - Central Branch Jovan J via Compfight      

Next, At 11:40 we go to specials our specials are.  Library is when we go and get books and learn what is on the books and what their genre is.  We also have music.  Music is when you go and learn new songs and what the treble clef lines and spaces letters are.  And how to play instruments. We also have gym.  Gym is when we do a game like hot feet is an example,we have a pinney team and a non pinney team, we play boys against boys and girls against girls.  You would have a dodgeball and you would have a goalie but you have to catch the dodgeball with a bucket.  We also have S.T.E.M.  Stem stands for  Science  Technology  Engineering  and  Math.  In stem we are working on making baby light bulbs shine with a D-cell battery.  We also have art.  Art is when we do crafts.  We are weaving in art.

Next,  At  12:25 we go to content.  Content is Social studies and science.  At the beginning of the year we were doing science experiments.  After we were done with science part for now we were learning about Pennsylvania.  Then at 12:55 P.M. we go outside for ten minutes and then we will go inside for lunch.  We have 3 choices for us to pick for our lunch.  We have choice one and choice two or a salad or you could pack.  

Then, when we are done with lunch we come back to our homeroom then we switch for math at 1:30 P.M.  We do long multiplication and long division.  When we come back from our Thanksgiving break we will start working on fractions.  Then at 2:40 P.M.  We go out for break and then we will come back to our math class.  Then we will go and do a 24 game. It is where you have 4 numbers you can multiply divide add and subtract.  But you have to make 24.  At 3:00 we switch back to our homeroom and we get ready to go at 3:30 we get onto our buses and leave school.


Homeroom:  9:00-9:10

Reading:      9:10-11:40

Special:       11:40-12:25

Content:      12:25-12:55

Lunch:          12:55-1:25

Math:            1:25-2:40

Break:           2:40-3:00

Math:             3:00-3:15

Dismissal:       3:30




Week-6 Blog challenge!

I commented on Lousia’s blog.  I commented on the Blogging survey because I like taking surveys.  She also has other stories but  like the survey one the best.  You should come and see the blogging survey URL:

I commented on Ella’s blog.  I commented on her soccer story.  I picked that one because I like soccer.  She also has other stories but I like her soccer one the best.  You should come and see it URL:

I commented on Isabelle’s Blog.  I commented on her Zoo lions blog.  Because I like lions too.  She also has other stories but I like the lion one the best.  You should come and check it out.  URL:


Dolphins Saves a Surfer from a Great White Shark.

By: Courtney and Emmanuel

Right now you will hear a nonfiction story in 2007 of a pack of dolphins saving a surfer from a great white shark. There was a surfer who was getting attacked by a great white shark. The shark bit off flesh to the bone, that is some powerful jaws and set of teeth. Luckily a pack of dolphins were swimming by and saved the surfer, those are some smart dolphins. Fact: dolphins are the smartest sea creatures in the sea. Fact: Dolphins are mammals not a fish. They made a protective ring around the surfer. The dolphins took the surfer to safety at the shore. But on the way of taking the surfer to shore the one dolphins got eaten by the shark. It happens sometimes it is just part of nature, can’t do anything about that. The rest of the dolphins took the surfer to the shore. The surfer was taken to the hospital by the ambulance and was taken care of. The boy was okay but it would take awhile for his leg to heal. A couple months later his leg was all better. That is the story of the Dolphins that save the surfer from the great white shark.

This is a great white shark:                                                                                         This is a pack of dolphins:

 The Beast

Brook Ward via Compfight

Information from:

The Amazing trip to the Beach (With the Crabs.) #WK5STUBC

The Amazing trip to the Beach (With the Crabs.)

I went to the beach this summer.  I went with my cousins Ryley and Kailie.  My parents drove me and my brother.  My Uncle Mike drove Kailie and Ryley.  My cousins got there before we did because my parents had work the day we left, and my Uncle Mike didn’t have work that day.  It took us about 3 and a half hours to get to the beach house.  It wouldn’t of took us that long if we didn’t stop for supper at Mc.Donald’s.  When we got to Mc.Donalds we had to order inside and eat on the way to the beach house.  When I was done eating I took a nap.  When my dad woke me up, we were at the beach house.  My cousins were at a restaurant eating.  So my Uncle Mike gave us the one key so we could get in.  Then we had to unpack and we had to sleep on a bunk bed with Kailie she  got to sleep on the top and I got to sleep on the bottom.  My brother got to sleep on the bottom and Ryley got to sleep on the top.

The next day we were ready go to the beach we went I was really scared because the waves were really high!  Then I asked my dad if he would go in with me and teach me what to do when a big wave comes.  My dad said he would and kailie came out too.  Then a bunch of small waves came and my dad told me to practice going under the small waves. Then a big wave came and I dove underneath it like my dad told me to and I made it through!  I was really excited my dad was really happy for me.  Then he said “ You and Kailie can stay out now without me.”  I said “ Ok.”  Me and Kailie had a lot of fun.  Then it was lunch time I had a ham and cheese sandwich and a bag of chips and baloni with cream cheese inside it was really good.  Then we needed to wait a half an hour till we could go into the ocean again.  That is when we played in the sand. Then after a half an hour (30 minutes).  Then we went into the water again.  My dad didn’t come in with me.  He said “ You will do fine.”  I said “Ok.”  Then I went in with Kailie.  We had a lot of fun.  Then we had to go.  We went to our beach house and then we went into the pool.  Then we had to leave and we made s’mores when we got back.  They were really good!  I had s’mores all over me.  I had to take a shower after I was done.  Then we went to bed.   

The next day we drove and parked close to the beach.  We had to pay to park. (Or are car would get towed.)   Which is better my dad asked I said “ Us paying to park.”  He said okay then Uncle Mike payed today tomorrow we will have to pay for the car. Ok I said.  Then we went to the beach we didn’t wear sneakers duhh.  Why would you wear sneakers?  When we got there the water was really Cold!  Kailie was already in the water.  I said “ How are you in the water already?”  She said you should get in now to be able to get use to it.  I didn’t get in till it was around 9:00 or so.  I went in the water my dad came in with me.  The water felt really good.  I love to go under the waves.  It is really fun and cool.  Then my other Uncle his dad and mom came we had a lot of fun.  His dad said that he lost his flip flop ( he actually didn’t.)  Then these kids came with a blow up flip flop.  Then he said “They found my flip flop!”  We all started to laugh.  Then it was lunch time.  I ate the same thing I did Yesterday except I had a turkey sandwich.  Then we made a castle in the sand.  Then we had to dig a trench around the castle so the water wouldn’t ruin the castle.  Then we went back into the water.  Then I rode a Boogie board.  Then we went home.  And then we had to change and had to take a shower.  Then we went to bed.

The next day we had to start packing up.  Because that was the last day at the beach my family stayed home.  But we went to the pool.  We stayed in there for about an hour or two. When we got back my skin was peeling!  It was really weird my skin never peeled before.Then we came back and played a bunch of games it was really fun.  Then we had to leave.  When we got home the house was really dirty.  It looked like we haven’t cleaned our house for a month.  Then we cleaned our house.

crab-215170_640         #16STUBC

That was my trip to the beach!

WK4STUBC Our Schools Intruder Drills.


At our school we have an intruder drills. We practice two times a year. We practice them because if a person comes in and is not supposed to be into our school we are ready.   We have steps on how to get were we need to go so we can listen for directions here are the steps.

  1. Mr. McCaskey our principal will tell us on the speaker we are having and intruder alart.
  2. Then we all stop what we are doing and we go to the cubbies and we sit on the bottom of the cubbies and wait.
  3. Then we wait for further instructions.
  4. Then if the intruder is close to our classroom  then we run out the door and we run to the Sportsman shop.
  5. Then we all meet there and are teachers will come.  We Do Not Come Back For The Teachers!!






By: Courtney


a dog

fighting, biting

sleeping, playing, chewing

playful, furry, and funny friend


a cat

sleeping, hissing

climbing, fighting, eating

fluffy, little, fat, licking friend
