Daily Archives: November 3, 2016

WK4STUBC Our Schools Intruder Drills.


At our school we have an intruder drills. We practice two times a year. We practice them because if a person comes in and is not supposed to be into our school we are ready.   We have steps on how to get were we need to go so we can listen for directions here are the steps.

  1. Mr. McCaskey our principal will tell us on the speaker we are having and intruder alart.
  2. Then we all stop what we are doing and we go to the cubbies and we sit on the bottom of the cubbies and wait.
  3. Then we wait for further instructions.
  4. Then if the intruder is close to our classroom  then we run out the door and we run to the Sportsman shop.
  5. Then we all meet there and are teachers will come.  We Do Not Come Back For The Teachers!!

