November 12

Life On Land

By Emilee


How can we save life on land, and prevent some of the effects that come with animals becoming extinct. Did you know that 36 football fields of habitat is destroyed every minute.

We are affecting the way we live because we are causing flooding, and erosion this is only a couple of the big problems that are killing our animals and our world. Because of flooding there are more crops  that die so then less food, and flooding kills the animals that are in the flooding. Erosion is a problem because people’s homes that are near water are starting to fall into the ocean, it is also starting to take away land for animals.

Climate change, deforestation, and pollution.Climate change is affecting many animals that live in the Arctic, because there are many animals that live there and the ice caps are melting so soon there will be no polar bears if we can’t stop climate change. Deforestation because trees give us oxygen that we need to breath. It is very important that we don’t cut down trees because animals live in the trees, it is also 40% of the cause of climate change. Pollution is bad because it will kill our fish, plants, animals, and sometimes it can kill people.

When animals go extinct it will affect us because we rely on animals for more than what we think. One of the most things that we use animals for is for their meat, we eat there meat for protein, and even if you don’t eat meat we won’t have milk, or eggs. We also use animals for clothes, we use their skin. One other thing that we use plants and animals for is medicine. So as animals and plants die out there are chances of a cure that die too. We use animal manure to help fertilize plants. Plants take in carbon dioxide so that there isn’t too much.

So I can conclude that if we can’t find a way to slow down and eventual stop some of the problems listed above we will cause a lot more of extinction. We could be in very big trouble because we rely on animals and plants for almost everything. We can try to fix some of our ways to help the generations after us. I hope that you learned something from this article and will try to learn and help the environment.


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Posted November 12, 2018 by jodonebb in category Uncategorized

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