A Salute to Spelling

Each week we review and practice our spelling words at school.  I try to get the students up and moving to make this practice kinesthetic.  We start by writing the word on our whiteboards and then say each letter in a fun way. Today we practiced “Salute to Spelling”.  We marched to the letters and saluted the word at the end.  We have also tried “Cheerleading” spelling where we cheer each letter while doing cheer arm movements.  “Basketball” spelling was also a hit.  Students dribble the letters and shoot the word.  If you are looking for a fun way to practice spelling at home ask your child to show you one of these spelling activities or have them create one of their own.

Here are a few more spelling chants to try:

Snap and Clap- Snap for the vowels and clap for the consonants.

Explosion- Start by whispering the letters, then say them normally and then say them loudly at the end of the word.

Jumping Jacks- One jumping jack for each letter.

Blast Off- Start crouched at the floor.  As you say each letter get a little higher. Then jump into the air as you say the whole word.

Lap and Clap- Pair up and clap hands for consonants and lap clap for vowels.

Robot- Spell in a robotic voice with your arms moving back and forth.